Vaccines and the propaganda machine

in #vaccine7 years ago

The vultures smelled blood and swooped down on the prey. No, not on the dead woman. They had no use for her. Ah, but the living, they're useful! They're afraid of death and you can easily scare them into buying a vaccine. That is how the propaganda machine works each and every time to push forward the Big Pharma agenda.
I'm not a medical expert, nor do I pretend to be, but I've studied manipulation techniques enough to spot this type of propaganda operation.

This story happened in Romania, so nobody's heard of it anywhere else, but I'm sure the same technique is regularly employed in other parts of the world.
At the center of the story is a young local singer of some fame who recently died of Hep B. Even before she was laid to rest, the propaganda scare-mongering machine sprung into action. Various sites immediately published articles saying basically “you could be the next victim, get the vaccine now!” The warnings are directed at those born before 1995, when routine anti-Hep B vaccination of newborns was introduced.

Scare-mongering is the first layer of the operation. There's a second layer, however, which aims to pressure local authorities into relaxing price regulations and acquiescing to the vaccine manufacturers demands.

At issue is a 2009 law, setting drugs and vaccines prices as low as possible. You might be tempted to say it's a good thing for the population to have access to cheap drugs. Well, the propaganda machine doesn't see it that way. “International manufacturers have no interest in selling their drugs at a low price.” That explains why there's a shortage of the Twinrix on the local market.

In plain words, Big Pharma wants big money, you'd better give them what they want!

“The price is set by the Romanian state and the present government doesn't have the guts to change the law and save our lives”.
I've emphasized the words save our lives because that's how propaganda works, by making it personal.
You, the reader, are in imminent danger of dying from Hep-B, you need this vaccine ASAP, no matter what it costs.
You'd assume opinion makers to be on the government's side on this. We are, after all, a small not very prosperous country and should fight for cheap drugs. No, opinion makers side with Big Pharma, let them ask whatever price they ask, no matter how outrageous.

In the name of tragedy

It is not the first time such a thing happens in my country. Years ago, there was the case of a well-known actor that died after getting the flu. It was winter, but the population wasn't showing much interest in getting the flu-shots. The vultures seized the opportunity and emphasized the fact such a death could be prevented by a shot. True enough, thousands of people got vaccinated the next day. Does it even matter that months later it was established the actor had died of a nosocomial infection and not the flu?

Good job!

Out of curiosity I googled this Twinrix vaccine. Turns out it is produced by GlaxoSmithKline, whose sales from new Vaccine and Pharmaceutical products were up 52% in 2016. Not bad!

I'm truly sorry, the article that made me write this is not available in English, but I'll still include a link to the Romanian version, as I've noticed there quite a few Romanians on Steemit interested in the subject of vaccines.


We don't need vaccines. We need to heal our organs of elimination and get our kidneys filtering our lymph system. A raw vegan diet will eliminate the cause of disease and sickness.

Yes, we need to find ways to boost our imune systems naturally.

We do that by returning to our species specific diet, which in my current opinion is fruits, berries, melons, and vegetables.

Very good post @ladyrebecca! I like how you described the pushing of vaccines as a propaganda machine. This is one of the reasons why we chose to homeschool. We don't have to have our children vaccinated, we don't have papers sent home to us saying your children's vaccinations are not up to date. We are so thankful that we can surpass that and keep our children at home in our care. Our children are healthy and when they do get ill our natural home remedies do just fine. The scare factor they use is what gets people believing in these shots. Thank you for spreading the truth. Following you now~

Thank you very much. I just had to write about this because I'm sick and tired of seeing propaganda in action. Glad to hear you're homeschooling too! Looking forward to reading about your experiences.

You are very welcome! I'm sure I'll eventually share some stories about our experiences with being rejected by doctors because our kids are not vaccinated. I'm looking forward to hearing more from you and sharing with you~ 😊

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Thank you very much!

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