Covid-19 - Biggest Pharmaceutical Breakthrough Of The Century?

in #vaccine4 years ago (edited)

What if you could own a stake in potentially the Biggest Pharmaceutical Breakthrough Of The Century?

A company who believe the groundwork for, potentially the most important, vital medical breakthrough, has been successfully achieved. An easy to administer vaccine for Covid-19 in the form of a capsule - i.e. no injection!

Vaccine capsule 2 (2).jpg

click here

I - Ivor Vale, am a member of the Angel Business Club. Joined On the recommendation of a trusted long time friend and member.

The Club sent me the video this morning, and in fact I had to do a few searches to ensure that it was, in fact, genuine, I mean I was that blown away with the claims, I really had to make sure it was real.

I'm sure I don't need to tell you just how important - and valuable - something like this COULD BE.

We know the Scientific community will come up with a vaccine eventually - it just a question how long it will take - and that is why the video is so important.

What could be a better investment for you - than to actually own shares in the company which comes up with vaccine for Covid-19 - and even better, you have got shares in the company way before anyone even knows about it...

If you are already a member of the Angel Business Club, then YOU WILL get shares in this company very soon, through your existing membership.

If you are not a member yet, then I really urge you to watch this video and consider becoming a member. Even if you only sign up for free to begin with, and wait for more information.

You really do not want to miss out on this one.

Is It Guaranteed?

No,with any investment, particularly of this nature, there are risks that it might fail.

If it was 100% risk-free, then you can guarantee that the shares would be priced accordingly - and well out of reach of all except the deepest pockets

But the big gains are the ones made when people are bold and brave enough to take a chance and get on early.Think Apple.Microsoft. Google.Amazon.

But watch the video yourself and make up your own mind.

click here

See what John my long-time investment friend says -

I've mentioned the Angel Business Club a few times over the years, and I must say, I get more pleased and excited about my involvement with Angel Business Club every day. Without them, I would not see or even be aware of opportunities such as this, which has the most exciting potential yet.

Remember, you can sign up for free if you just want to be kept aware of developments. Or you can take one of the value membership plans and be in line for shares in this vaccine company and all the companies that we discuss amongst members.

Here's the video link again, see what you think

click here

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