in #vaccination6 years ago

The main reason why people are For vaccination is their belief that it will provide them with immunity that canl help them to overcome possible deseases in future.

And this belief is the main ILLUSION.

Yes, this argument is strongly popularized by doctors and medicine industry, but it works only for people who don't want to be aware of the topic.

Let's look deeper at the process of immunity creation during vaccination.

The fact that vaccines confer herd immunity is the main argument of vaccination lobby and Big Pharma. But the real truth is absolutely different: vaccines can NOT work as natural immunity system, that's why they can't create herd everlasting immunity.

But it really CAN create serious immune dysfunction that wanes your immunity and make you weak for different infections.

There are 2 different types of immune response that appears after vaccination and after experiencing of a desease:

-humoral immunity (adaptive)
-cell-mediated immunity (innate).

That's why vaccination can provide only a temporary artificial immunity that has nothing in common with immunity after real desease. And that's why statictics shows that vaccinated people DO get all deseases from which they have been vaccinated, and it happens even oftener than with unvaccinated people!

For example, kids who were vaccinated with pertussis vaccines, can be sick with pertusis in future, and they will be even more dangerus for society because the desease can have not so vivid symptoms.

So what is the difference between these types of immunities?

The cell-mediated immunity is our natural powerful protection. When we get sick with some kind of infection, it enters our blood. The body gives a sygnal to struggle with "a stranger". White blood cells start the war and clear the virus. It takes several days. After that the immunity is ready to fight this virus in future again. It has got all necessary antibodies for it during the desease.

The humoral immunity is activated when a person meets this very infection once again in the future. The cells "remember" the last war with hem, and get necessary "weapon" against them very fast. A person will NOT be ill again, or it will be a light form of a desease.

That is called long-lasting ummunity, natural one.

VaccInes can NOT do the same because they avoid a cell-mediated immune response.

The best result of any vaccination is temporary immunity, so called - humoral response of immunity cells. but absence of cell-mediated immune response makes a person be weak and unprotected to this desease in future!

But many vaccines can't provide even temporary protection! For example, analysis of USA statistics about pertusis vaccines usage shows that they just don't work.

Vaccination is a small desease, entering infection into a healthy body!
A vaccinated person is infected voluntarily in full sense! And he really CAN be asymptomatic carrier of this infection and transfer it to other healthy people.

So what herd immunity can be in this situation?!

It's just a myth for naive people...

BY the way, ### the quantity of such people decreased for 10% since 2008 in the USA - now only 70% believe vaccines work! The poll was conducted by Research America and the American Society for Microbiology

Is't victory? For sure! It's a slow but confident way to antivaccination!



Where did you get your PhD in immunology?


@kabir88 she's not part of the medical system. Where did you get your state approved brainwashing?

Thought so, I bet she's American too. The land of Trump, so doesn't surprise me. It seems saying things without evidence is the new raison d'être for many

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hahah-))) dear, thanks!
bravo!) the best reaction!

Very informative post dear, I was not aware of this cell-mediated immune response. Thanx for sharing

thanks for reading, Nainaz!
Yes, there're so many interesting detais in this question, but nobody among doctors explain it

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