in #vaccination6 years ago

A question of health and a way of protecting it must be voluntary

All people and parents MUST have a right to choose whether to agree to vaccinate their kids or not.

It's not just a question of vaccination. It's a question of FREEDOM

If a person has no freedom of choice, if he just do what he is said to do - is he free? Or is he simply a slave without handcuffs?


Germany, Iceland, Norway, Austria, Sweden, Finland, Holland, Monaco, Luxembourg, Spain, Ireland - these are countries where vaccination isn't mandatory, but highly recommended.

Greece, France, Malta, Belgium highly recommend vaccination as well, but parents still have a right to reject from them, and the number of mandatory injections are only 1-4.

Slovenia, Czech Republic, Romania, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Latvia, Russia have 7-12 injections in the National calendars of vacciation.

The level of development and economical growth of these countries are different as well as the number of their madatory injections. Is there any connection?..

The USA have transferred the process of research, creation and release of vaccines  to the Department of Biological Weapons Research and Bioterrorism Control under the name BARDA (Department of Advanced Biomedical Research and Development), which reports directly to the Pentagon.

Bayern (a huge pharmaceutical company) acquired Monsanto - another company specializing in the production of genetically modified seeds, pesticides and herbicides, including the Agent Orange defoliant, which was used during the Vietnam War

 Thought-provoking information, right?

Vaccination isn't mandatory in many countries, but from the other hand, the governments try to do their best to make people be vaccinated.  Doctors and lawers who protect rights of people for rejection suffer from endless pressure: they are excluded from the collegium, deprived of their licenses, and prohibited to have any activity in law or medicine.

In 2017 a wave of crazy protests covered Italy...

During all the time before vacciantion wasn't forced in Italy too much. It was highly recommended, but there were no severe sanctions against those who didn't vaccinate their kids.

The only penalty was a duty to pay 70 Euro as "punishment" for rejection. And vaccinations was not a mandatory condition for admission to any educational organisation for kids.

Last year the situation changed. 

People tried to stop the outrage of government who was going to sign a new law about mandatory vaccination.

During the whole month Italy was just boiling... Parents were mad and tried to protect their kids.

Parents, who had already suffered from vaccination and who had sick kids after it, always were participants of these protest actions. - here there is a video of Italian protests and opinions of people who fight for their rights

But they lost... 

Big Pharma won...

Last year Italy adopted a law on mandatory vaccination of children.

The government tried to do it without any pressure, just usinf mass media power to persuade people about the necessity of vaccination: many videos and too much false information and statistics about diseases among unvaccinated kids. A typical scenario for vaccination propaganda.

The control over vaccinations was shifted to educational institutions - they should either not take the child at all, or within 10 days report to ASL. 

It's a specially created service  that exists under the control of the Ministry of Health. 

ASL contacts parents and try to convince them to vaccinate kids, and if the parents persist, they will hand over the case to the juvenile court (a fine for parents from 500 to 7500 euros per year starting from the age of 6 + possible deprivation of parental rights !!!).

Now Italy has 12 mandatory vaccines!! Instead of 4 that were before 2017...

Most of them are combined - so 1 injection includes 3-6 different viruses!!!

Does anyone inform parents about risks?

Will they be responsible if any tragedy happens? 

Just rhetorical questions, no replies are needed, we all know them.

The trap of vaccination has caught one more country...

In my country the situation is hotter from year to year, because according to the Constitution vaccination is voluntary, but we've the same as in other countries - deep pressure in different levels if parents don't agree to do it


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Ofcourse making it compulsary is not political, its slavery, and in my country Nigeria its compulsary. I dont know why you must give vaccine to people who did not have enough food to eat. Why not bring them food. @taliakerch @aasanka

Most of the vaccines you're talking about are available for decades. There's nothing the companies really win from producing them. Denying vaccination in general is not freedom, it's playing with other people's health and life, not just yours. If you want to gamble with your life, go eat fly agarics. Or climb a train. I'm serious.

A typical reaction of a vaccination fan. No comments.

Rather a typical reaction of someone who cares, my dear. :)

of someone who is sleeping.
I'm Talia, that's enough.
Good luck.

Thanks for sharing this. The whole thing is just a pharma industry sham. Watch the 7 part-series entitled The Truth about Vaccines. Each episode is 2 hours packed with interviews of pediatricians and insiders exposing the scams.

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