in #vaccination6 years ago (edited)

People are used to hope for vaccination when they're afraid to get definite diseases. But why are they so sure that these very diseases are more dangerous than toxic poisonous vaccines that can lead to unpredictable effects!?

Vaccines can be inactivated (dead) and alive.

In so-called alive vaccines, the infectious agent (virus, bacterium) is alive, and it's transferred directly to the blood!
When a person gets sick with any disease in a natural way, all viruses are attacked by our protection bareers, and the virus comes into the body partially weakened already, and it plays a great role!

The immune system has time to identificate the enemy and turns all its mechanisms on. In the case with vaccination, the immunity has NO such an opportunity, the viruses come to the blood at once, and that's very dangerous and risky for our health.

We've such a scheme with a vaccine against tuberculosis (БЦЖ) that is still made in Russia, only in Russia, nowhere in the world any more!

We all have such a scar on our left shoulder - a memory from this injection...

Moreover, it's made during the first 3 days after the birth of a newborn! Can you imagine it??

In Japan vaccination starts after the age of 3, and it has its sense, the immunity is more ready for challenges and struggle, but newborns!!...

Pure angels have just come to our world, and what do they do? Poison them with vaccines?

Moreover, vaccination in Russia isn't mandatory BUT it's forced very much.

For example, my classmate lived in Finland for some years, and she told me vaccination is only a choice, not a problem at all. If parents say "No", it's just "No" without any bad effects for their family.

In our countries there can be many problems if a child goes to a kindergarten or to school, or just go to a summer camp.

And the most interesting fact - a doctor from Finland told there is NO tuberculosis in their country, but there is NO vaccination against it either! So the disease was overcome without vaccines help! Though our pediatritiians continue to prove it's impossible..

Another important point that is hidden from all parents: vaccines kill antibodies that are transferred to the baby's body through the breast milk.

Vaccines destroy immunoglobulins, and a baby remains without powerful mother's protection. Very soon parents are surprised why a baby is sick so often, and nobody connects it with vaccination.

All vaccines give encephalopathy as a complication, they all to some extent hurt the child's nervous system. Vaccinated children will never develop their personal potential as much as unvaccinated kids. Unfortunately..

Parents are afraid of fearful diseases but nobody tells them that vaccinated kids get them much oftener than "unprotected" kids.

Moreover, I know many parents who have vaccinated the first kid, and when the second has been born, tnhey have changed their opinion about vaccination and have rejected from it. The fact is, that the same disease (wooping cough) has hurted kids differently: unvaccinated children have become healthy much faster!

Ok, wooping cough isn't the most dangerous disease.
Let's take poliomyelitis, mumps, tetanus, diphtheria.

There is such a thing as susceptibility to the virus or bacteria.

For poliomyelitis, this indicator is 1 to 500!

Tuberculosis: susceptibility 1 to 100!
You meet Koch's stick everywhere and always, but you do not, you will not be ill, even if you do not have a vaccination against tuberculosis!

The body of 99 people out of 100 develops specific antibodies that protect against this disease, naturally, without vaccination!

Diphtheria is a disease that is treated with antibiotics, besides, it has a low susceptibility.

Tetanus. Firstly, tetanus toxoid is ineffective, it does not protect against disease because the bacterial membrane is needed to develop immunity, but in vaccines it isn't used.

Moreover, have you ever seen a person sick with tetanus? But we hear horror stories about it every day!

To get sick with tetanus, an anaerobic environment is needed! In other conditions it's impossible! So all the terrible stories about a child who get injured walking in the street and get sick are just fairytales for parents whp don't study the essence of things.

Medicine and Big Pharma hide this information, doctors never tell it, because their mission is to convince us that we can't live without them.

But we can. And even better than with them.


I've always been cautious about vaccines too... in particular, it always seemed pretty sketchy how quickly flu vaccines are put out each year.

There is actually a lawsuit about this in the U.S. right now that claims no safety testing is done by HHS:

This type of information cannot be told enough. People don't pay attention until it affects them.

You're right!! In Russia vaccination is optional, a lot of my friends refuse it thanks to having access to such information and examples of their neighbours/friends. But unfortunately in France vaccination is obligatory and without it your child can be kicked out of a school or not be taken to sports activities. That's a huge pharmaceutical business and big big money unfortunately. ((

Very good information. Here in Venezuela vaccinate the babies since they are born to prevent certain diseases, I feel very painful when I see them cry.

@taliakerch we should use vaccine as much as less. By the way thank you so much for providing great health info.

Thank you for sharing such important and insightful post!!! I'm a mother myself and had this hard choice because I knew that soon we're going to move to France where certain vaccines are the obligatory ones, so I refused all a could, but unfortunately (I'm sure that the vaccination was the reason) my son now suffers from Atopic dermatitis (eczema) which appeared not long after the vaccine against poliomyelitis and АКДС (tetanus, diphtheria, coqueluche). I'm strongly convinced that vaccines are in general just big money in someone's pockets and a lot of experiments.

Отличная статья. Выскажу свое субьяктивное мнение. Вакцинация -это хорошо, если все условия изготовления и хранения вакцины соблюдены. В противном случае, все не очень хорошо.

вы слишком недоинфомированы об этой теме.
вакцинация БЫЛА хороша в теории, сейчас и на практике - это преступление и геноцид.

Не соглашусь и эпидемия кори в этом году в Украине тому подтверждения. люди, которые купили отметку про вакцинацию, стораз повторяли, лучше бы я привился тогда. Я сам доктор, и своего сына привывал согласно календарю. Конечно старался выбирать французкую вакцину и старался контролировать условия хранения через фармпредставителей. И вообще, не могу пнять как можно не привевать ребенка от смертельных инфекций. вакцинация не актуальна, когда 95% насеения привиты. А сейчас процент привитого населения (реальный) около 80-85%. Так, что дважды подумайте. Скажу так, от дифтерийного крупа и мультирезистентного туберкулеза умерло не один десяток населения. А полимеелите вообщемолчу, тут уж лучше смерть.

тааак, с вами все ясно) вы - милый человек, но тут явно не стоит время тратить на разубеждения, это ваш мир и ваша вера. тем более если вы еще и врач.
спорить с врачом о вреде вакцин - так же глупо, как с мясником о вреде мяса)
без обид)

картинку вспомнила, тоже, надеюсь, не обидитесь)

:) Спасибо за понимая. Сам терпеть не могу споры. Да, и обижаться совсем не привык.

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