To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate

in #vaccination7 years ago

We have been made aware in recent years of the possibility of so many horrific problems caused by vaccinations. This has got to be a nightmare in the life for parents who are aware of the information and are forced to have their children vaccinated. Many years ago I met a family whose daughter was severely disabled, and the family blamed it on a vaccine. This was back in the 1960's, long before the present deluge of information and before the amount of vaccinations multiplied. So, of course, in their case, nothing was ever done in terms of a settlement or anything and was a very sad situation. At the time, I didn't think a whole lot about it, other than feeling very sad over the condition of the girl because I simply wasn't aware.

My children had polio and tetanus vaccinations. My children had measles, mumps and chicken pox, so have developed immunity from these diseases. And that was back in the 70's, where again there were not nearly as many vaccinations required in order to be enrolled in schools. If I were a young parent today, I am certain I would fight tooth and nail to keep my children from being potentially harmed by the vaccinations required.

I have never understood the argument that vaccinated children are in jeopardy by children who are not vaccinated, because if the vaccines are so effective, they should not have worries about children who are not vaccinated. I have never had a flu shot, and I have not had the flu in many years. I seldom even get a cold. I had the advantage, however, of growing up on a small farm and was exposed to all the things in nature that a child who plays in nature is exposed to and, I believe, helps build the immune system. I remember when the polio scare started when I was probably around 8 or so. My parents were very frightened of polio that seemed to be an epidemic, and so I did receive the polio vaccination regime. I had measles and chicken pox as a child and pretty much everyone in the school got these diseases, but no one suffered any permanent harm from having these diseases, just a few days off from school and staying in bed, and being very itchy, of course, with chicken pox. Mumps went around, but I never got it, not even when my children got the mumps many years later.

Here is a good article with lots of research and pertinent information to help parents decide what is best for the health and well being of their child:


Not vaccination

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