Vaccines....Australia and the Idiocy.

There is much to be said for Mandatory ANYTHING, and in this particular instance, Its not the first time this has been attempted on the people.

Smallpox in the late 1800's was exactly the same. here is a fantastic summary of its history:

Today Australia has released localised statistics on vaccinated vs unvaccinated children.

What in the actual hell is going on here!

We can't even search up criminals in our local neighbourhoods!!! Or get a list of convicted pedocriminals on our streets!!! But they want to post this?

(As a side note-there is a standing vote on this site on whether or not New Zealand should bring mandatory vaccination policies in. Please vote-Every single one counts. I would like to see the freedom of choice win out in this public survey! <3)

I wonder what the statistics are of Asthma, Eczema, Auto-Immune disorders and Neurological impairments are in those fully vaccinated areas?

The current legislation looking to be passed today in parliament, is particularly frightening to say the least. We are moving one step forward, at almost a running pace towards Mandatory Vaccination here in Australia.

The No Jab No Play policy states:

                Does the ‘No Jab, No Play’ law breach human rights laws or agreements?
                                    No. The Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (the Charter) is a law that protects specific human rights of all people in Victoria. The Charter does not include the right to education.
                                     Australia is signatory to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (the Covenant), which includes the right to education, but is only binding to the extent that is it enacted in Australian law. The Covenant permits the limitation of rights for the purpose of promoting general welfare in a democratic society. The No Jab No Play provisions in the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 prevent persons in charge of certain early childhood services from confirming new enrolments of children who have not had appropriate immunisations. This limitation has been carefully weighed against the benefits of immunisation, which prevents death and disability, protecting not only the individual but others in the community who cannot be vaccinated. This purpose is consistent with the limitation provisions in the Covenant.
                                    The benefits of immunisation are overwhelming; preventing death and disability, and protecting not only the individual but others in the community who cannot be vaccinated.
              Shouldn’t immunisation be a personal choice?
                                    The legislation does not mandate vaccinations, nor does it require the administration of vaccines without consent. Parents may continue to make a choice not to vaccinate their children.
                                    Governments have a responsibility to make decisions that balance the best possible community health outcomes with individual choices. Preventing problems before they occur is vital to good health.
                                    The purpose of 'No Jab, No Play' is to increase immunisation rates in the community, particularly amongst young children. This is a public health priority, given the serious risk posed by vaccine-preventable diseases and the proven safety and efficacy of vaccines.

Now all of that would be just FINE-IF THEY WERE SAFE AND EFFECTIVE!!!
There is absolutely NOTHING safe and effective about vaccinations and they should remain a PERSONAL choice.

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I have put together a long list of references etc that I will post in the following article! <3

SteemOn Steemit'ers!



Agreed. thanks for putting the word out .. !!

@naquoya Thank You. I plan on it. With these powers at play-we have to. <3 Thanks for reading

Regardless of the topic, I lose interest after "mandatory"
If it requires aggression, its revolting.
Scrape it off your shoe and keep walking.

@mattclarke Agreed completely. 12063829_946198508829711_2954029546884269289_n.jpg

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