Survey Camp rasa liburansteemCreated with Sketch.

in #vacation7 years ago

Liburan sederhana, bersama team terhebat yang pernah bersama membuka hutan rimba menjadi zona camp, bersama merencanakan kegiatan terbaik untuk orang-orang hebat pilihan Nusantara! Tahun 2010 bapak presiden & wakil presiden indonesia pernah merasakan kenyamanan di lokasi camp ini. Lokasi camp ini terletak di kaki gunung Seulawah, wilayah Pidie aceh kilometer 80. Semua telah menjadi kenangan & sekarang kami kembali lagi untuk melanjutkan kegiatan outdoor selanjutnya, inilah liburan yang sedang kami nikmati sobat 🔥☕

Simple holiday, with the greatest team that once shared jungle jungle into the camp zone, along with planning the best activities for the great people of the archipelago choice! In 2010 the father of president & vice president of indonesia never felt comfortable in this camp location. This camp location is located at the foot of Seulawah mountain, Pidie region aceh kilometer 80. All have become memories & now we come back again to continue the next outdoor activities, this is the holiday we are enjoying buddy 🔥☕IMG_20180217_033223.jpg


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