Day Off Today

in #vacation6 years ago

I took a day off of work today and my wife and I are spending our first kid-free day together in over 6 months! A special thank you to the grandparents for watching the munchkins... what a blessing to have family close by!


We are at a local theme park, Knotts Berry Farm, riding rides, eating good food, and enjoying a couple of adult beverages. Days off are needed for everyone who has heavy responsibilities and obligations, like us. Getting to spend the day off with my wife is a special treat that I am savoring very much.

I hope all my steemit friends are doing well today.

Take care,


That's so great! It looks like you guys are enjoying your day. Would you believe after 22 years in So Cal, I've never been to Knotts Berry Farm or Disneyland?

Wow, that is crazy. That must be some kind of record my friend! It does sound like universal studios Hollywood is more up your alley though so surely you have been there, right?

I haven't been to Universal Studios other than to City Walk a few times! I know, crazy right? I've been to Six Flags twice but that's the extent of my So Cal theme park experience.

Congratulations my friend @brian.rrr, I am glad that today allas had the day off and went out to share with your wife, as you say, it is always good to go out and enjoy and clear your mind for a while and when you live hard working all the days. It is always good to forget about the stress of work and go out and enjoy it even one day, that relaxes the mind and more if it is with the person we love the most. I'm really glad that the past allan very well, I hope you have more days like this in the future your wife and you. Blessings to both, they came out very well in the photo, they look happy and happy as a couple.

  • excellent brother to go out in such hard work what it is to raise these beautiful children and be full-time parents, it is more should be proposed to do monthly as it is proven that encourages marriage by 30%, greetings friend.

It is good to take a break, even once a year since this is exhausting and even more so when you are in the first years where you as a mother find it difficult to leave to work or do anything.

That's very important to spend time with your family! There is nothing better than to see your family happy and you are part of that happiness

There is no doubt that you are a complete man, dedicated to your children and wife! Congratulations on finding that balance

sir @brain.rrr, To keep our mind fresh we need to relax. The place was amusing. I think you enjoyed it so much. A responsible parents you are. I pray for your family sir. I wish you can enjoy everyday of your life. Keep me in your prayer sir. Good luck sir.

Have a nice day♥ Nice to see you and your wife together. I hope you enjoy the moment. Thanks sir @brain.rrr for exchanging your beautiful moments with us.

Glad you got to spend the day together. As you say, it's a really important thing to do. When my kids were young we used to make a point of going out on our own every four weeks. I was always surprised at how much that reconnected us without even realising we'd had our heads down in family again.

Hope you next day out isn't too long away! 😊

So excited for you and your wife. We know how it feels to go a long time without a break. My partner and I have 6 kids between the two of us. We try to find those little moments to escape and just unwind and spend a little time together. We are needing a little break soon I'm thinking. Maybe another spa day. Those are nice.

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