Latest Evidence sent to authorities and media and lawyer

in #v2k2 years ago

June 9 2022

As I type this month above 'June' somebody said "its july". Save you the coincidence excuse its a stalker who will pretend it's the computer hack if questioned but save you time again its really its not. My phone is hacked but it's worse than that.

V2k psycho said the other day male voice on phone or talking to somebody we don't hear he said "yeah he spits all over it's because he... ..." the rest of his convo is missing. A bit later he says yes we change the garbage after he leaves and before too. And later that day the girl said stephan you've been missing how long like 35 minutes already should I call it.

I don't know what this means but he does do this:

For some reason when I go to the bathroom sometimes the psychopath plays the sound in parametric speaker of someone spitting repeatedly and constantly over and over. The psycho pretends it's not directional sound effect but as if it's a real person and is very threatening. It can hide a real person. This is in addition to the usual synthetic voice he uses when he claims I "yelled out..." often I won't notice as he "pauses" me while playing the yelling...if I rarely yell something it doesn't contradict what I've said otherwise but he dies thus daily.... most times I only notice the sound end or beginning and can't tell you what he yelled out through his speaker. Most often while I'm in the bathroom most times.

Afterwards he says to people that was me yelling It's serious criminal harassment. He used it to say racist comments among other seriously sick things. His is why its necessary to tell these bystanders that I'm not gay I don't have schizophrenia. Whether I'm sober or not has no effect on this and I'm both from bc and Ontario and Saskatchewan I'm not the one they call ..etc...

It's sick ok and you need to do something to protect my family and myself. It's been 7 years and honestly wonder if it isn't true that but has killed them all. He makes these threats frequently.

Recently a stalker came into the public library washroom and threatened me said "the cult is gonna rape and murder you soon" the 911 call was either astroturphed or synthesized because for some reason the cops didn't give a shit and wanted to come talk to me to bring me to a hospital.

The second 911 call that day had another "man in the middle" or 'astroturphed' or synthetic fake 911 operator acting very very rude and sounded exactly the same to me so I complained and she said she never talked to me before demanded my location and turned the female voice pitch way up so it distorted her voice to be less similar, but i heard the pitch change as she argued - these 911 transcripts need to be investigated, i doubt i spoke to 911 operator personally. . I called 911 this second time because i left library as i did not jntend to sit around waiting for police (to do anything and all the evidence is the call and library security video footage). Ad I left I recognized the voice and I walked over to identify with my camera a woman in the tennis area said "I thought we stole his charging cable how come his phone is still working""

the phone was on 3% and hours previous I had reported to calgary police again by phone the theft of 42$ worth of cables chargers and blocks making my phone unchangeable and am penniless. Nothing else was stolen. None of the valuables I found them all at the bus stop but only the charging supplies for my specific phone not for the other devices also notnstolen. My batteries wireless charger fast charger all gone.

Currently I can't charge over 50% it may be technical but still looks suspicious and scary considering everything.

I'm going to put in a formal complaint if this is not resolved so obviously why not get on it and save some lives on the side instead of looking like ignorant assholes

The psycho keeps saying and gangstalkers repeat " the penticton police followed hom for so long " and a bunch of other bullshit. The restaurants are for sure in on it the manager is terrorist and tells employees to ignore me he won't call police until way past the point you would always be kicked out by them never afraid to throw you out for minor disturbance but me I could be threatening to kill em if they didn't turn off the rapist on the damn radio (usually after asking politely and even recording and witnesses notice) and they act like I'm hallucinating but then get worried complain to manager " oh shit he's recording" The managers boss them around into complying then as I have a decent tik tok video of exact situation in tic took they call police to show the other employees new ones often believe me they should call police.. the pretend call we hear one side that police say its OK and to continue with manager saying uts because. I know its not police on the other end of thise calls because this criminal harassment is serious. And results in mass violence suicides and murder often of more than the victim.

They see deepfake videos and call me a liar if it's just them and myself. We know your lying they keep saying.

PLEASE DO SOMETHING and I shouldn't be getting more criminal record or threats of jail or medication for having a normal reaction to harassment.

Something is seriously wrong with our country.


Donations instructions are on steemit but since I've only received finds from family maybe it's best to find me in person first. I do panhandle to eat as communal eating is worse believe it or not than even mcdonalds for slander and food to make you sick although not all of them are bad I haven't felt like taking chances lately.

Even so please consider donation instructions are on the steemit blog, or work with my lawyer Joseph Beller of SOlaw to ensure I receive the money.

My family helped with what it could even though they didn't believe me either, as with all TIs.. my family if even alive I worry were we're all broke so few of us. They are targeted but my sister and I probably got most of it. Since they are also victims and we don't have anything and I haven't even been able to workfor years because of the sick invasion of privacy constant perverts looking out my eyes and making comments or threats it makes you want to ouke but after so long I'm used to it, still it is. On top of bank accounts and other asset robberies they even spend my credit cards and order skip the dishes... its bloody sick even now some stalker homo, pardon the language but gay stalker perverts are fing annoying ffs, he is complaining loudly about what I am typing. I'm sitting quietly at wal mart outside.

I'm the witness to a rape murder penticton bc 2014 and the rapists are running this bullshit pretending they are me they say Scott's in witness protection and pretend my dad is Gary Lee Scott's dad. Scott had an argument with the girl she came to se me his dad setup paid or ordered her car accident thunder which turned into he saidbsgr was shot. After disturbing actions of cst Vance (from paper) he was was fired he wrote me about Stephanie's niece investigation after Cst Kelsey Ferris appeared to disappear I should hope it's not penticton police and that it's not any way condoned or associated with government surveillance - sick.

Canada you have a serious problem totally out of control.

PS I wish somebody would tell my family I love them and will call as soon as i can safely and that my dad should know he's missed and lived and my mother should not go to the pentixton rcmp or hospital she should leave penticton perhaps Montreal? And my sister I would like to know she is alive and not dead the psychonpretends he replaced her and since then she's not the same and refuses to talk to me very odd it's verybmuch I'm afraid it's true he talks about killing her often for several years and synthesized couxw kn the phone is no doubt why I'm no longer using rhe phone. She should try and get ahold of me before it's too late, we were both targeted her right after I told her about the murder on 2014vwhen she picked. Ke up was the last time inspoke to her that I know of

PPS Here is the link to the tik tok it's archived on my uhive blog. Don't take my lightness of heart to not be serious it's just repetitive danger becomes nonsense I liken it to the captain or general in apocalypse now "I love the sound of [gangstalker / V2K] whining in the morning" its funny but very seriously dangerous not only to current victims please wake up ffs.

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