Translation for Steemconnect to Chinese Simplified (100% Completed)

in #utopian-io7 years ago

It is widely known that SteemConnect is an identity layer, which is on top of the Steem blockchain and aims to make accounts secure.

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Before I started translation, it is not 100% completed. I suggested 13 translations, and voted for 15 suggestions. My translations are shown below.

EnglishChinese Simplified
Get me access允许我访问
Build your app编写您的应用程序
We’re open source我们是开源项目
We make it easy to get started on Steem, so what are you waiting for?Steem 非常容易上手,您还在等什么?
Search and start using any app built on Steem within SteemConnect, no registration or signup required.通过 SteemConnect 搜索并使用任何基于 Steem 构建的应用,无需注册。
Learn more查看更多
Safe and secure安全和保障
SteemConnect is an identity layer on top of the Steem blockchain that makes accounts secureSteemConnect 是一个位于 Steem 区块链顶部的可以确保帐户安全身份层
Securely manage your wallet, check your activity, and connect to services without giving up your password.安全管理您的钱包、查看您的活动,并且在不需要提供密码的情况下连接到各种服务。
Secure access to the Steem ecosystem确保安全访问 Steem 生态系统
Please input a valid email address请输入一个合法邮件地址
Your email here请输入您的电子邮件
A Steemit Inc + Busy project一个 Steemit 公司 + Busy 项目

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