' Return to Menu ' button is not visible when screen is rotated

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)

Expected behavior

After playing the game , game ends with a high score page. When the screen is rotated to landscape mode ' Return to Menu ' button was supposed to be visible as to go back game.

Actual behavior

When the screen is rotated, return to menu button is not visible, which was supposed to be visible as to continue with the game.

How to reproduce

Lunch the game

Answer the questions

After answering all the questions score page will appear

Now rotate you screen to Landscape mode

Return to Menu button is not visible

  • Browser: 0.2.3
  • Operating system:
    ANDROID 8.1.0
    MODEL : Pixel XL

Recording Of The Bug


Your contribution was rejected because cosmetic issues are not accepted a bugs.

Also, clearly this game was designed to be use in portrait and not landscape. It works as intended.

Need help? Write a ticket on https://support.utopian.io.
Chat with us on Discord.


But it's works on landscape mode too but only when it shows the score

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