Steemit Bug: Text Input For Comment Fails To Handle Numbered Lists Correctly

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)

I have used numbered lists in Steemit posts and comments many times without any problem - however, I have just made a comment that has a couple of issues relating to numbered lists.

My comment under this post was intended to contain 2 numbered points, but because I knew there would be a paragraph in between them I knew that using the markdown system of placing a '1.' for each list item would not work. As a result, I intended to number each numbered item in the list manually, so that the second item would be manually marked with a '2.' instead of a '1.'. I'm pretty sure that what I actually then did was curiously test the system by using '1.' instead of '2.' for the second point.

When I saved the comment, I saw that I had two numbered lists, both starting at '1.' - as is expected when a paragraph breaks the entries in the list.

I then edited the comment and manually changed the second '1.' to a '2.'. However, when I saved the comment, I saw that the second list item continued to be displayed with a '1.' even though the comment text contains a '2.'.

comment glitch 1

comment glitch 2

I edited the post again and made a further change to make sure that the comment changes were actually being saved and these other changes WERE saved correctly. So, there is definitely an odd glitch occurring where the numbered list processing algorithm is ignoring that a numbered list has been over-ridden by a manual number typed in be me, the user.

This occurred in latest Firefox on Windows 10 64 bit.

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


You have very long comments @ura-soul. hehehehe
thanks for sharing information.

I'm not sure that what you're trying to do is even possible in an HTML based numbered list. I don't think it's a bug in steemit, it's in the nature of nested tags.
You'd have to manually do them.

I think you have misunderstood here - there was not intended to be any nested tags or an HTML numbered list - I did my best to explain that I realised immediately that a numbered list would not work with this post and actually did do it manually and yet something caused the processing to treat the numbers as 2 numbered lists anyway and so even though i typed in 1 and 2 manually, the final post displays 1 and 1.

Sorry for misunderstanding.
Yes, seems they need to run a conditional or something.

Your contribution can't be approved. This is not a bug in Steemit. I have tested this in another place that uses Markdown and it does the same thing.


You can contact us on Discord.

I suggest use this method:


what specification are you testing against?

Your contribution is about a Bug in Steemit. However this isn't a bug in Steemit. It is a limitation in Markdown. I have already closed this contribution but I will pend it again. I will give you a workaround but this will be the last time from me.

Change the repository to "commonmark/CommonMark" -
The repository for markdown in github is

Then change the category to suggestion.

Also - rework the whole post to reflect that it's a suggestion for Markdown and not a bug in Steemit. It can't be a bug in Markdown because it is a limitation, it's how it works.

Comment back here once done. Thanks!

You can contact us on Discord.

As a user of the site (and as a software architect/engineer) I would definitely class this as a bug since it doesn't 'work' if the results are contrary to the needs of the users. However, I don't really have time to go through all this again currently - so it will just be left as a bug in Steemit (from the perspective of the users) ;)

I see your point. I have consulted other moderators and we're not really sure if we can consider it a bug as of yet. We're hanging between a No and a Maybe. We will be consulting Elear. Thanks! I'll give you an update.

You can contact us on Discord.

Ok great, I appreciate it. :)

We've reached a decision. This post cannot be approved since it doesn't meet the rules. This is not a bug. See the Utopian rules.

You can contact us on Discord.

It rewrites a 2 as a 1. It's a bug.

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