SETTING UP TRACKS' RECORDING SOURCES: a tutorial for the open-source project The Amanuensis: Automated Songwriting and Recording

in #utopian-io6 years ago


What Will I Learn?

  • You will learn how to set up drum samples to be played and used as a recording source.
  • You will learn how to set up VSTs to be played and used as a recording source.
  • You will learn what "stored sounds" are and how to manage them.
  • You will learn how to use your audio driver's inputs as recording sources.


  • Windows - If you'd like to help get a Mac version up and running, please reply to this post! The necessary changes are actually very minimal.
  • Max/MSP - If you don't have it you can get a free 30 day trial at or just reply to this post and I will compile a standalone version of The Amanuensis for you to use.


  • Basic - This tutorial is designed with musicians in mind primarily; no programming knowledge required. If you're into Max and want to get involved that is only a plus!

Tutorial Contents

Choosing a track's recording source

Each track has a drop-down menu specifying what will be recorded into it. When it is set to that track is for all intents and purposes off. When set to or , any MIDI entering the track plays that internally-loaded source and will record it as well (more on setting up MIDI sources in the following tutorial). In addition to these three options, your chosen audio driver's inputs will be listed, which can also be used as recording sources.

When any track is set to a recording source (anything other than ), a large buffer, or "palette", will be initialized for it and you will have to wait a few seconds while it loads. Into this palette will be recorded all the better moments played on this track, to be played back selectively as The Amanuensis sees fit.

Recording from samples

The second option on the menu is . When selected, a second line appears stating what sounds will be heard when MIDI enters the track. In this case there's a drop-down menu which lists all of the preloaded drum samples you have available. Choosing one will designate it to be played by the associated MIDI note which is listed in the following number box. Changing the MIDI note number in this number box recalls the drum sample associated with it to the drop-down menu. These associations are random at first but will be remembered as you specify them. They will also be updated each time a MIDI note enters the track, displaying the pitch and sample being heard.

Recording from synths

The third option is and in the same manner, when selected a second line appears. This time the drop-down menu lists the available VST instruments. You may need to wait a moment, as an instance of each will be loaded in order that you may switch between them quickly and cleanly.

The initially selected VST is random and by default it is also already set to a random preset. Selecting a new VST will load it set to a new random preset. You can choose a specific preset by changing the number box.

Stored sounds

You will notice that tracks set to samples or synths initially state that they are . The selections made in these tracks regarding sample and synth setup are referred to as its "sound". Although manual choices are possible, The Amanuensis is designed to alleviate the need for deliberate and often tedious dialing-in of a specific sound and encourage the player to be challenged by something unexpected.

Therefore, the main way to get a new sound to play with in one of these tracks is to use hotkeys to randomly bring one forth. If you hit PGUP you'll see that, in the track you're currently working with (i.e. the last one to receive a MIDI note), you are now and either a new random sample has been assigned to each MIDI pitch or a new random synth has been chosen, set to a random preset. In other words, you have been given a new sound.

Now if you hit PGDN you will cycle back to and all of your initial choices will be recalled. Hit PGUP again and you will bring back . You can cue up new random sounds ad infinitum when you're on the last (newest) sound. These two hotkeys can also be triggered by MIDI notes with pitch 1 (PGDN) and 2 (PGUP) so it's possible to more seamlessly change sounds without leaving your instrument.

The entire lineup of stored sounds will be saved in the project files of your song once it exports, so if you import it in the future you can start again with all the same ones at your disposal.

Recording from audio inputs

Beyond these options, the recording source menu will be populated by any audio inputs it finds available on your driver. Choose one and it will record into that track.

Whereas when recording samples and synths you are also inherently playing them (hearing those same sounds as your instrument makes them), there is a monitoring option that appears for audio inputs. This does not affect the level at which the input is recorded, only the volume at which you will hear the input as you play. In some cases, such as when playing an electric guitar directly plugged in to an interface, you will need to hear that input, whereas you may not want to in other cases, such as when playing a loud acoustic instrument like drums.


The setup of each track will be saved and recalled the next time you use The Amanuensis, so you should not need to change it often, as long as your hardware setup remains relatively unaltered. The last sound used on each track will also be saved and appear as the next time the program begins, so you should have something workable to play with right off the bat.

In addition to the sounds you hear and record, The Amanuensis requires MIDI to run its rhythmic analysis. The next tutorial will cover setting up this MIDI in an appropriate manner for each track.


Next tutorial - Setting Up Tracks' MIDI Sources

Proof of Work Done


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