Laravel 5 package for Ebulksms (Nigerian bulk sms platform)

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)


Laravel Ebulksms is a Laravel 5 package to help sending sms' from your application a breeze. Ebulksms is a Nigerian company that provides mass sms service. This package works around their json api to help developers easily send sms' with very minimal configuration and also with a very intuitive api. The api looks like this;

$ebulk->composeMessage('Hello Utopian!')

If you want to send a flash message instead, try

$ebulk->composeMessage('Hello Utopian!')

What if you want to set a sender name for your sms? just do this;

$ebulk->fromSender('Utopian Bot')
                ->composeMessage('Hello Utopian!')

Please Note: The sender name can not be longer than 11 characters.

If you want to check your SMS Credit Balance, we have a convenience method

  • Create a route endpoint from your routes.php file
    Screenshot from 2018-01-13 01-17-24.png

  • Simply inject the therealsmat\Ebulksms\EbulkSMS class into your method and use as seen in the image below;
    Screenshot from 2018-01-13 01-17-12.png

You must have an Ebulksms account before using this package. Check the github readme for more information of how to create a free ebulksms account.
Also, you will need to generate an api key before using this package.

Check the github readme for more usage information.

Github Link:


Not Applicable to this post. The entire package was built by me

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