Intro to Elixir (Adding Authentication to a GraphQL API)

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)

What Will I Learn?

  • You will learn how to implement a context plug in Phoenix
  • You will learn how to add authentication to a GraphQL Node in Phoenix 1.3
  • You will learn how to use a virtual session variable to promote authentication through GraphQL


  • A basic knowledge of Elixir
  • A basic understanding of the Phoenix Framework (at least 1.2).
  • Knowledge of how APIs work in general
  • The codebase from Parts A and B.


  • Intermediate


In this tutorial, we finish our Phoenix GraphQL endpoint by implementing Authentication by way of Guardian and Json Web Tokens (JWT). We use a context plug to verify that each request has a JWT attached to it before we issue a response with the appropriate information to the user. We also take advantage of the GraphQL type system to create a virtual type that allows us to symbolically link the user's session to the actual data-layer of the application.

Full Github Source Code is here

Video Tutorial


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Sorry, I didn't see the formatting when I made the post last night. How am I supposed to know that the rules have changed If I can not see the changes? I've posted a contribution almost every single day for the past two weeks (with no problems); how am I supposed to know that the rules have changed if everything looks exactly as it has for those past 14-15 contributions?

Haven't made it through the entire video but sounds very professional so far.

I try to keep things as professional as possible when making my videos. Though in the past I did try to add humor to my videos since the material can be dry, it just never worked out.

Hey @tensor I am @utopian-io. I have just upvoted you!


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