Signature and Footer automation for EsteemApp.

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)

EsteemApp does not support the video and .gif upload directly into the post. These can only be uploaded through Youtube link or Giphy links.


Most author likes to end the post through a nice Signature or an attractive Footer. As EsteemApp does not support any video or .GIF files upload directly into the post, user find it hard to create the file from web and then upload for Signature or Footer.


Instead of creating or using the link, My proposal is to have a permanent Signature & Footer set up for all the post in EstemApp.

Similar in line of MS Outlok, or Gmail, where we can set up our own Signature preference, Esteem App should also provide user with automated Signature & Footer option .

Signature option should be set up as default, and whenever, the user draft any post, the Signature and Footer come automatically in the post.


Mockups / Examples

For Mockup example, I am suggesting to have the Footer edit option on the Edit option available on the Esteem app header on the user profile page.


On clicking the Edit option of the above screenshot, the below page open. EsteemDev would built up the Signature/Footer in the space.


Just for Mock up I have suggested the Header Edit option, The Signature / Footer option can also be built up inside the General Setting tab of Esteem app. Where one time setting needs to be done and the same automatically pops up with every new post on esteem.


The inbuilt and automated Signature /Footer can benefit the user in following way:

  1. Time Saves, As the signature comes up automatically, the user can save a lot of time in creating the signature or footer by themselves.

  2. The option is very user friendly, as one set up is used multiple time on each post unless the user do not want to change the Signature/Footer.

  3. Signature /Footer helps in beautification of the post.also make user visibility on the platform

There are various option to set up the signature /footer on esteem app. The option can be created under :

  1. Header Edit option. (as mocked up in above example

2)Esteem General Setting.

3)Drafting post "Advanced" option.


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