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RE: Heisenberg 0.1.1: Rest API wrapper and update on "attack" command

in #utopian-io5 years ago

I have problem to run included example. h.heist(1000) works but client=RestClient() is not working with error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'heisenberg.rest_client'
I have it in my imports - just like in example


RestClient is shipped with the new version. Can you try upgrading w/

pip install heisenberg_drugwars --upgrade

pip show heisenberg_drugwars

should return 1.1.0 if you have successfully upgraded.

I have 0.1 version. This might be the problem. Conda don't see heisenberg at all, pycharm has 0.1.0 version and when I try to install using pip then I get plenty Visual Studio errors and fail.
So I copied source to my folder then now I have ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dateutil'
And when I want to install it I can't since it is colliding with steem ... I need to take a break from this.

I gave it another try with ubuntu this time, and after installing using pip I still have 0.1 version. Guess I'm total noob.

It's not your fault, the latest version on PyPI is 0.1.0, we just have to wait for @emrebeyler to update it. Of course, you can also clone his repository and install it locally!

lol, I wasn't aware of that. pypi is updated, you can try again @steelman! :-)

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