[Accusta] Witness`s rewards (v 0.7)

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)

Now you can see How much you erned by your Witness Node. Go to https://steemit.accusta.tk.
Enter any account and you can view statistics. Use by yourself and tell the others Witnesses

In 0.7 release of accusta_logo_line_170.png:

  • Added Witness`s rewards
  • Added possibility to Async Load some informations as widget
    link to release

More information about coding

At first we must find information about rewards.
in account_history we see:

array:6 [▼
      "producer" => "prc"
      "vesting_shares" => "1972.244089 VESTS"
      "trx_id" => "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
      "block" => 17712125
      "timestamp" => "2017-12-01T19:08:33"
      "op" => "producer_reward"

That is all we need.
For showing infomation on page we will use new component laravel-wigets by arrilot

With laravel and this new packege we can enter in command line

php artisan make:widget WitnessRewards

that get us two new files:

  • app/Widgets/WitnessRewards.php
  • resources/views/widgets/witness_rewards.blade.php

In WitnessRewards class we collected all data about producer_reward from account_history

$data = collect(BchApi::getTransaction($acc, 'producer_reward'));
$data = $data->map(function ($item, $key) {
    $data = $item;
    if (getenv('BCH_API') == 'golos') {
        $data['GESTS'] = str_replace(' GESTS', '', $item['vesting_shares']);
    if (getenv('BCH_API') == 'steemit') {
        $data['VESTS'] = str_replace(' VESTS', '', $item['vesting_shares']);
    return $data;

result we transfer to view:

return view(getenv('BCH_API') . '.widgets.witness_rewards', [
    'config' => $this->config,
    'account' => $acc,
    'data' => $data,

Then in view (resources/views/steemit/widgets/witness_rewards.blade.php) we can design all information as we want. I decided to show information in table by some time period.

View file is big You can view it on github: https://github.com/semasping/Accusta/blob/0.7/resources/views/steemit/widgets/witness_rewards.blade.php

This release base on commits:


accusta_logo_line_170.png roadmap:

  • Wittness SP rewards (Done)
  • Benefactor SP rewards
  • rework post and authors rewards (to show together)
  • more graphs and charts
  • rework collecting data (to use mongoDb for storage transaction history)

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There is some errors in witnesses rewards
Working on it.
For top witnesses a lot of transactions and neet to change collecting metod...

I look forward to it! I love what you have done already.

Thank you for the contribution. It has been approved.

You can contact us on Discord.

I looked at the statistics. Thank you for your work.

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