[Translation][Spanish] Node.js (1079 words) (Part 2)

in #utopian-io6 years ago




Project Details

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment that executes JavaScript code outside the browser. Node.js allows the creation of Web servers and networking tools using JavaScript and a collection of "modules" that handle various core functionality.

You can take a look at their Crowdin project here

Contribution Specifications

  • Translation Overview

On this contribution it is possible to notice that in some strings in which code was included, one can notice that I only translated a part of that code. The reason for that is because those translated words were comments that the programmers use inside the coding in order to make it more clear in case someone else uses it, so the user can understand better what the code actually does. To make a comment is as simple as writing '//' and in the same line write the comment. Those sentences were the ones translated, the rest of the code was kept untranslated.

I would also like to clarify what this folder is about. Assert is a "Java keyword used to define an assert statement. An assert statement is used to declare an expected boolean condition in a program. If the program is running with assertions enabled, then the condition is checked at runtime. If the condition is false, the Java runtime system throws an AssertionError" (Wikipedia, 2018).

Therefore, all the translated strings are related to the functionality of that keyword. One example used in this contribution was the Deep Equal Arrays, which are "used to check whether two arrays of single dimensional or multi-dimensional arrays are equal or not. It can compare two nested arrays (i.e. multidimensional array), irrespective of its dimension" (Geeks for Geeks, 2018).

  • Languages

I translated from English to Spanish.

I have translated over 100,000 words utilizing the Crowdin platform and this has given me experience to always grant great quality translations.

  • Word Count

I have translated 1,079 words.

Proof of Authorship

My Crowdin profile
Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at 12.18.05 AM.png

Word Count

Screen Shot 2018-08-02 at 12.33.06 AM.png

Some of the translated strings

Screen Shot 2018-08-02 at 12.20.30 AM.png
Screen Shot 2018-08-02 at 12.20.40 AM.png
Screen Shot 2018-08-02 at 12.20.54 AM.png


Greetings, @samuellmiller. Thanks for submitting your contribution!

  • The presentation of your post is good, as it fulfills the requirements for a complete evaluation of your contribution.
  • Coherence along the text you translated is applauded. The translated content fits well the general meaning and use of the strings enlisted.
  • Feedback process in this work was good.
  • You show a very precise use of the terminology required for this translation.


Your contribution has been evaluated according to Utopian policies and guidelines, as well as a predefined set of questions pertaining to the category.

To view those questions and the relevant answers related to your post, click here.

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Hey @alejohannes. Any idea why this post hasn't switched across to the reward queue? It's still in the feed section on utopian rocks.

Hey @samuellmiller
Thanks for contributing on Utopian.
We’re already looking forward to your next contribution!

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