Steem Compare - New Follower Compare Feature & Extra Stats 📈

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)

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New Follower Compare Tool ⬅️

Steem Compare is a tool I've been working on that allows you to compare multiple Steem user accounts in one place.

Steem compares main feature is looking at account information for multiple users at once, great as a research tool when looking into specific accounts. While having the customisation of specific users and share functionality created in the previous update I felt I could make it more useful for the general user. That's where follower compare feature comes in.

New Features

Follower Compare

I have created a new page specifically for looking at information about followers (the old custom user compare still exists) that allows you to easily compare the followers of any Steem user account. Enter a username, hit compare, Steem-js will first connect to the Steem-js API to get a list of followers and then individual account information for each follower is generated. Generating the information can take a few seconds if you have 100’s of followers as it makes multiple API requests.

As with the standard user compare tool accounts can be ordered based on Reputation, Account Value, Post Count, etc. Useful for finding who of your followers have the highest reputation, great for seeing correlation too Num of Posts does not equal high account value! I hope people find this new tool useful.

975cbf3 - Functionality 1c520d0 - New page

New Stats

I’ve been working on ways to differentiate Steem compare from any of the other tools/alternative Steem interfaces. While the ability to compare multiple accounts is a differentiating factor I wanted to bring more value by created unique statistics you don’t find on other sites. I’ve started with average likes per post, average replies per post and average post word count. These new values all need to be calculated and are not available straight from the API.

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I decided to only have these stats available on the user-compare page and not the follower compare to reduce the load on the Steem API and keep page loading times down.

628186a7 - functionality c3b1R80 - front end template update


Making multiple requests to the API can take some time, to ensure the user knows the site is working and not broken I’ve added a loading bar to signify something is happening in the background.

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With multiple pages on the site, I’ve added a simple navigation bar to move between the two separate functionalities of the site.

Bug Fixes

Fix an issue with updated steemjs library that cuased some promises to fail 2fd0d670493

Contributions & Roadmap

Contributions, ideas and thoughts are welcomed and encouraged. Let me know if you’ve used the site and what can be improved. If you would like to help with development feel free to submit PR’s or discuss ideas on utopian or discord.


  • more unique statistics for each user
  • save/track groups of users to see a change in stats over time
  • better name/branding/custom URL (any advice here would be ace!)

Dev Report

✌️Thanks for reading, do let me know what you think.

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


Thank you for the contribution. It has been approved.

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Thanks @vladimir-simovic appreciate you taking the time to review my project.

Hey @vladimir-simovic, I just gave you a tip for your hard work on moderation. Upvote this comment to support the utopian moderators and increase your future rewards!

I like to see that delegated powers all in one, I was checking one by one when I get curious.
Probably you've already noticed that but it's kind of a tradition now to report first bug :)
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Thanks @oups! Just pushed a new fix.

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Wasn't sure on the best way to approach it to be honest, it sits centred on top now, just had to adjust the contrast so it's still readable.

Well that's what I would suggest. Looking great, it grabs first attention tho.

you're right, might reduce the black a touch to make it less impactful.

Really cool! It's very interesting seeing all the kinds of different followers I didn't know I had and their ranking in each category.

Thanks Amos! Definitely interesting to learn more about your followers, something Steemit/Busy interface is missing (it's heavy on the data side though so not surprised).

Looks like a great tool. I will have to check it out.

Thanks! let me know if there are any issues.

Sound great but it's not working for me right now? I hit the button but nothing happens :/

Hey @Geffi632 thanks for checking out the project. Because you ahve a lot of followers 700+ it might just take a long time to load. I've checked your username myself and it took 10+ seconds to load in all of your followers.

Can you help me see what the issue might be with these questions?

  • What browser are you using?
  • Are there any errors in the javascript console (View > Developer > Javascript Console) ?

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Hey @sambillingham I am @utopian-io. I have just upvoted you!


  • You have less than 500 followers. Just gave you a gift to help you succeed!
  • Seems like you contribute quite often. AMAZING!

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