GoodBook.Reviews Beta now Live - v0.2.0

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)


GoodBook.Reviews is a book review platform built on top of the STEEM blockchain. The project aims to bring quality content to STEEM and encourage book readers everywhere to share their thoughts and ideas on books.

The latest set of changes brings enough features that the site can start to be used. It’s a little chicken/egg situation as without content it’s not immediately clear what features should come first but without the features, it’s hard to attract users to create the content.

While I would love to bring an all singing & dancing platform in one swoop it’s not possible so I’ll do my best to iterate fast and bring new features often. What’s new since I showed you the barebones preview?

A lot of work went into this update, I hope if you're into books you will find this project useful.

New & Updated Features

  • Now hosted at ‘’ is not necessarily the final name (i’d prefer something more unique), naming things is difficult at it can wait until there are more features.

  • Steem posts are set up and can now be created with custom book JSON that is used across the site.

  • Book cover upload via Cloudinary.
    book feed image

  • Books display in the feed in a small card, showcasing the custom JSON data.

  • Finished Steemconnect authentication.

  • Added voting with slider & commenting. Having done this before with Finallycomments I was able to reuse some of the code I had written. Clicking the upvote displays a slider, clicking the upvote within the slider sends a message to the backend which votes with the authenticated user.

  • Setup feeds to only display the parent permlink ‘goodbook-review’, the site currently relies solely on the STEEM blockchain and pulls in all reviews under the correct tag. In future, it can check the ‘app’ custom JSON but this works for now.

  • Added beta message for all but ‘latest feed’, other feeds to come soon when there is more content.

  • Added user feed that shows posts from who your following (only appears after login).

  • Added user profile page showing their reviews on @username route. it has a small user information header and will display reviews from that user in a grid. Additional information for users will be added here in future.

  • Modularised JS & SCSS for future maintainability & use parcel for bundling. Trying my best to keep the code manageable from the start.

How to Get involved?

  • Visit
  • Login with Steemconnect authentication
  • Post a quality contribution
  • Your post will show up on the homepage. :)

Ideas from the previous post

I’d like to thank commenters for the positive reception on this project in the previous post. Some of the ideas in discussion.

@didic explained that what made Goodreads and Shelfari great was the underlying database of books. Something like this would be a massive win for the platform and I’m going to look into this further as I get through the more basic features.

@carn also touched on the one book many review aspect. This is planned as a feature in the next few updates as well as having comments/rating for individual books, not just full-length reviews.

@natubat asked about book covers. Ideally, these will be automated in future either through a large database or via a third party API for now (to keep this project reasonable) users can upload book covers themselves.

@techslut asked about monetisation. There is currently no beneficiary or other forms of monetisation on the site. we talked about adding a small beneficiary, perhaps 5% but I am always hesitant because I know people feel a lot of the platforms take to much. The other idea was to add a ‘buy this book’ button which could be an affiliate like to Amazon. I like this idea as in theory if this was used to purchase STEEM it could create an upward buying pressure (albeit very small).

@mslifesteem Asked about markdown features. Markdown works for the main content area although there is currently no preview.

Thank you for the valuable feedback, I wish I could instantly add all of these features for you. This is quite a large project and unfortunately, I can’t dedicate too much of my time, I’ll do my best to address these as we move forward with updates.

Roadmap & Future

I could list a massive amount of ideas/features on the roadmap but to keep it manageable here are a handful.

’coming soon’ features

  • Single Book View - each book will have its own page if multiple users review the same book they will all show up here. You can comment/rate a book without having to do a full review.
  • Genre’s - show books posted to a specific genre
  • Trending/featured
  • Non-logged in Landing page explaining the project
  • single footer with recommendations
  • markdown preview

’planned’ features

  • Beta competition for best reviews
  • saved ‘read books’ to your user profile
  • an incentive to post with a book-review upvoting bot

How to contribute

Please leave any thoughts, ideas and suggestions in the comments below. I welcome any and all feedback.

If you find issues with the site please submit them via github or leave a comment below.

If you would like to get further involved with the project there is plenty to work on so please reach out.

You can contact me on discord at sambillingham#7927

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


Great update.

There is currently no beneficiary or other forms of monetisation on the site. we talked about adding a small beneficiary, perhaps 5% but I am always hesitant because I know people feel a lot of the platforms take to much.

I think you should do both. You are creating a lot of value for Steem and the community. I would be happy to see you earn your rewards. In the end it will allow you to work even more on the platform. Win-win​.

I completely agree!

Thanks Jo, always appreciate your support. I'll set up beneficiary on the next round of updates :)

Very nice, I'm going to check this tomorrow as soon as I have some spare time :)

Just tried accessing the site via the links provided above, but can't access it. I think the server is not responding.

oops! I had forgotten to scale the instance so it went to sleep after a couple hours. Sorry it was working. it should be back online now. Thanks for taking a look.

Yep, it's working now. Cool UI and it seems like the reviews are starting to roll in already.

It's currently down, but I look forward to giving it a try when it's back up!

Thanks for tying to take a look.

I had forgotten to scale the instance so it went to sleep after a couple hours. Sorry, it was working. it should be back online now.

Looking sharp! :)

I wanted to try to add a review but my book has two authors. That would be good if you support one to many relation in book authors.

🤦‍♂️ ah crap, totally didn't think about multi-author support. What a rookie. Oops, will totally get this added.

Thanks for checking it out dude!

Hey @sambillingham! Thank you for the great work you've done!

We're already looking forward to your next contribution!

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Hi Sam, thanks for the contribution, it has been approved.

I love seeing one of your contributions in my feed as I always know it's going to be amazing! Great job once again, I am really looing forward to see what else you have in store for us! I was also thinking it would be cool if you explained some of the difficulties (if any) that you faced when programming something like this, as that's really interesting and helpful to me. Cheers!

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I love seeing one of your contributions in my feed as I always know it's going to be amazing!

Wow Amos, thanks dude. it's good to hear you enjoy my posts. I'll try to continue to match your expectations. I have a couple more ideas I'm excited about just need to juggle my time a little better to get some more work in.

it would be cool if you explained some of the difficulties (if any) that you faced when programming something like this

In future, I think I'll try to write some extra notes as I go because when I've finished a round of updates it's difficult to remember which parts were a challenge. There was nothing particularly difficult in this set of changes but it was quite time-consuming. The biggest struggle was probably the comments section, I had forgotten how many moving parts the comments thread has.

Hmm, I rated the contribution on Utopian but it seems that not all of my ratings went through :( Looks like a bug on Utopian.

Thanks dude. Not 100% sure on how it's supposed to work. It's not changed score after 4 people added answers though so maybe it is a bug.

Love it! Here's some thoughts:

  • It might be beneficial to indicate what tags the site auto adds. I wasn't sure if it did add any before I tried it.
  • I submitted a pull request on GitHub to fix the image not centering. While doing that I was wondering if maybe posts would look better if there was a space between the image and text.
  • Do the current posts have enough info to later be implemented into the one book many reviews system? Just curious ;)
  • Adding an @ symbol before the author in a posts url would make it easier for bots to parse the url for upvoting.
  • I currently run a book review curation bot (@steemitbooks) and if you're interested I would be willing to give you curation permissions that let you upvote posts through Discord.

👊 Thanks for checking out the site and posting.

  • Good point on tags, I think people might expect them to appear outside of the input filed now like they do on many other interfaces.
  • Thanks for the PR. 🤦‍♂️ will accept that and also agree on extra space below book cover image.

Do the current posts have enough info to later be implemented into the one book many reviews system? Just curious ;)

yes/no - my plan is to add a database in the next update. I plan on using the ISBN as the identifier to link books/reviews (unless you think something else would be better?) I don't anticipate there being many too many reviews that I can't do that manually myself for all upload but also make it possible to edit in future.

I plan on keeping an internal database while still syncing to STEEM to make the whole experience faster. I want all data to be accessible on the blockchain so the library could be rebuilt by any other developer. Anything that's added before the structure is 100% finalised might take some extra work to link up it should always be possible. :)

  • @ symbol, another good suggestion to match other interfaces. I'm planning to change the structure /review/main_tag/author/permlink to be /review/@author/permlink, would that mess the parsing up?
  • Sounds like a great idea to use @steemitbooks, thank you that's super cool. I'll join the discord server 👍

Thanks again, super useful feedback. Aiming to get the next update out mid week, hopefully using ISBN to pull in data and link authors/books/reviews although it might be a tad ambitions in the time I have.

/review/@author/permlink works fine 😉 all you need to upvote or comment on a post is @author/permlink. The @ symbol lets me parse a url into that easily.

This post was upvoted by the Steemit Book Project! The project exists to help make books more available to the world and to promote book-related content on Steemit.

You can read more about the project here. If you write book related posts, head over to our Discord server ( and pop your book post links in the #curation-requests channel.

Hope you have a wonderful and bookfull day!

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