RE: Wrong selected category dropdown when opening search via url
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Great post. but i think you forgot the :octocat: symbol near the "Project" that symbol is for github. and the whole usability of the "Project" function is to be able to search for a particulat keyword inside a particular category
Not showing which project you're currently on(sub-project or project) haha, it cannot be counted as a layout bug, or any type of bug. Thus, i'll have to reject it
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Hello @sachincool, yup I'm new in this community. Thank you for reviewing my post and welcoming me. At first I also thought that dropdown always show "Projects". But I already test all the category and find out it's not true. For example, open, and it clearly update the dropdown to "Documentation", instead of "Projects" like we thought. So, it is showing in which category we are currently open from the link right.
Here I make comparison table for testing all the category, There is only 4 category that display "Projects" while the remaining 10 category display according to the category. It is not consistent for all category, thats why I consider this issue a bug.