Bug hunting: Problems commenting and upvoting on Steemit

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)



Device: PC, Widnows 10 (64-bit)
Browser Chrome - latest version


This problems started appearing today at around 17:00 UTC +1
1/3 times I try upvoting or commenting it doesn't work and I get an error or it loads infinitely until I stop it.

NOTE: I checked my internet connection and it's not the issue. Also everything else is working fine (browsing through Steemit, opening and reading posts, editing) while this issue keeps appearing more often.

  • When commenting doesn't work it first loads for a minute or two and then I get this error

  • When upvoting every other time it doesn't work and loads forever

    giphy (13).gif

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I have the same problemm. Hopefully, it will be fixed ASAP..

I just experienced this morning too.

@runicar I thought it was something I did, I had the same problem this morning and spoke to Steemit.Chat about it. I had no action on 3 posts, no upvotes or comments, it was unusual. I'll see how it goes tomorrow.

I also experienced this yesterday. I hope this will be fixed.

I think is only me that is having such experience.there is nothing i have not thuoght of.then i conclude that it maybe that my internet is not strong without knowing that is like a general problem.thanks for this information ,it has relief me from my curiosity.

I experience this almost all the time and when i keep trying , it finally uploads the comment. we have an even bigger issue today, which the the reputation of steemians going as low as 25. happened to me and my friends today, did you experience it too?

Welcome to utopian and thanks for sharing,
yes, there was an update that day. due to which maybe you were suffering from that problem, do you still suffer from this bug? as i can do all those things normally right now upvoting and commenting. i cannot reproduce the bug,

It's a lot better than more than 2 days ago when I posted this. But sometimes still I can't upvote, but it's much better than it was.

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