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RE: State-of-the-art science on Steem: towards a new Python program for particle collision simulations

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)

i heard M.I.T. say "julia" is the future for supercomputing

it's ofcourse something they developed themselves so they might suffer from observers paradox (i call it that .. probably not the psychological term)

but, then again

it's M.I.T. ... one of the more respectable bits about the US of A lol

most of you here probably already heard of it, sadly i havent written one word of Python in my life yet ... maybe if this takes off i could jump on the bandwagon and start fresh :p

but, you know , stuff like

Cataloging the Visible Universe through Bayesian Inference at Petascale. sounds a bit above my current braingrade


Do you know that one of the most used program in particle physics... relies on a fortran core :)

fortran, i dont think i ever even saw how that looks ... back when i was in hischool (which is called college here more or less) informatics consisted of "to get started turn the computer on"

(just some of my audiovisual heroes there, to which i hope to hold a candle on my flixxo experiments , after all one needs people to look up to or one will grow only closer to the ground lol)
i think they taught pascal or something which looked a look like basic to me, maybe that's when i got the weird notion syntax is a waste of brainspace since the logic across all languages is the same , the grammar if you like, as your adept in C i doubt i need to elaborate on that.
I think that was the only teacher in that school who could actually stand me

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