Steemit Statistic and Analysis for December 5 2017 - Steemit Business Intelligence

in #utopian-io7 years ago

I will be gathering data again with the span of 1 month, this would be around November 5 2017 to December 5 2017. We will convert data that we have gathered into a visually graph view. With the use of graph we can easily understand about its flow whether it has gained , losing or in constant stability.

Once we have presented the graph we will have our own ideas and analysis. So let us now start with the data gathering.

A. Scope of Data Gathered

Data extracted December 7 4:52 AM UTC Time
Extracted from steemsql by @arcange
Data and Statistics on Steemit for 1 month coverage
Covered date 11/05/2017 to 12/05/2017

B. Accounts Related

As we checked visually in the graph we have seen improvements from what we have acquired last December 4 2017. This time December 5 really picked up well and surpassed the progress of new registration last Dec 4.

As of the gathering we have seen that it has been the record high for month of December but we need still to see for the upcoming days if it does realy grab more and more new registrations.

Recently the steem dollar went passed to 6 dollars and some people are trying to recruit their friends into the Steemit community since its crypto currency values are starting to have a high trending of its prices.

This is both good news for new registered members and old members since they can really get more benefits by getting better rewards value from each of their created post.

For December 5 has acquired more than 2,000 new registered accounts and this really been a great progress so far from Steemit community after it has been flooded by new registered accounts around month of November.

We shall see on the upcoming days that there will be many registered accounts, from time to time it will be surpassed by previous days on month of December.

And surely both steem dollars and steem will increase its value again and possibly will take popularity among the most known cryto currencies in the market.


C. UpVotes Statistics

As we checked on the graph of December 5 ,it has reached its record high for December and it has even surpassed generated total upvotes for the month of November. This has been a very good news for all the members since we have generated a very good traffic into the Steemit community.

Passing 460,000 upvotes it is really a great improvement and i think that users have become very active for the month of December , and yes i am right we it. With people having their home vacations and some just vacation from their school. It is pretty obvious that upvotes will surge again and might increase from time to time in the month of December.

This user activity is very important for Steemit since it will help affect what has happening to Steemit's cryptocurrency , steem and steem dollar. If many people will be active on both creating their post and activity with their upvotes surely it will increase more and more.

There might be a chance for this December that steem dollar will continue to rise on its value since many people are entering the world of Steemit.


D. DownVotes Statistics

As we see in the graph for the downvote statistics value went down even if we has gathered a lot of upvotes, which means that there have been a clean up happening for the past days. With cleaning up those plagiarism articles as well as some spams , we will surely have a better community.

I don't like downvotes on my side because it is been a big impact for your reputation since , reputation is the best thing in Steemit , if you have high reputation you have a high trust by many people which makes it a good thing.

For the downvotes generated it has almost around 3,000 downvotes which is a really good figure and i think that it will continue to go down until such it has acquired lesser and lesser numbers.

On upcoming days there are chances that the downvotes may gone up again because again with the increase of steem dollar many and many people will be tempted and will just do a copy and paste text from the internet just to acquire a good amount of rewards.

This will result a many downvotes generation, but i am still hoping that downvotes will not increase anyone.. I would prefer that it would have a steady value or much lower than we have been acquiring.


E. Resteem Statistics

In the graph the number of Resteems is dropped to much. What i have in mind is that people are now mostly focusing on creating their own post rather than just resteeming others post.

With its dropped down many authors will have a tight competition to each other since less and less poeple are now resteeming and that rewards will mostly be divided now.

Curators will problem having a hard time checking on best post since they are ones looking for best one. The number of Resteems that have been generated for December 5 is around only 8,000 which makes it a less traffic generation to audience.

There might be a possibility that there will be a continue of dropping from the trend since the month of December is a game changer. We don't know possibly the result since it is very unpredictable.


F. Post and Comment Created Statistics

As we checked on the created graph we have seen that created post and comments from users have a constant increase from around December 2 until now.

Steem Dollar's increase of value might be a great impact for this constant increase and this is really a great news for Steemit community.This type of progress really captures traffic from the outside Steemit, since all Steemit post can be search from the internet.

This will surely grab more attentions to the other social media and since from time to time Steemits articles are increasing more and more , surely all of valuable informations are all in Steemit alone.

This gonna soon provide a big traffic and might effect for the increasing of steem dollars value.

We will see this upcoming days on what would be the effect but i am really sure that it will remain the constant trend of increasing post and comments created by users.


G. Rewards Statistics

On the graph below we have seen a little slow down of rewards generated after it has gained for around 2 days of increasing its rewards. In this case there might be chances that less people are creating post for December 5.

I don't think that it will not increase back again since Steemit cryptocurrency has been increasing , and surely there might be a bigger chance that it will surpass the amount that have been created for month of November.

December 5 has only generated below 60,000 but it will surely strike back to around 70,000. Sometimes the day of the week really matters when in terms of blog and articles creation. Mostly on Monday there are alot of people creating post for their experiences on weekends and less are creating post on tuesday.

We will soon find out on our next generation , i am sure that it will increase based on the flow of our graph. There might be cases that it is only caused by some human activity but surely rewards will increase.


H. Top Performer (Votes in Category)

In category still photography have received the most voted category with the total votes of 682800. Photography has been one of the most excellent category and at the same time it has many audiences in it.

It was second still by the most active spanish category with total votes of 580311 and which life and bitcoin categories are still hanging but still have a great amount of audiences.

This following four categories have received the most visited categories and have generated a lot of traffic from the audience.

CategoryTotal Votes

According to the generated pie , photography has dominated with the total share of 17.89% which has been the biggest of all. Three big categories have also got a good amount of chunk from the pie which are spanish category with 15.21% , life 13.28% and bitcoin 12.59%. Other categories are still catching up.


Final Analysis

  • There are chances that more people will signup in the month of December
  • More and more traffic from Steemit from both outside and inside the community
  • Steem Dollar will continue to rise its value
  • We will be seeing more activities from the users.

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


Great info. I believe more and more growth in the future.

yes.. i can feel that too.. sure it will grow more. @steemission

Hi @robin-ho

Firstly, thank you for your contributions, it's great to have an active group of contibutors to the analysis category.

On checking your post, I see that you are displaying the previous month (or 30 days) which is a good timeframe to analyse. However, this same analysis was also submitted yesterday, and so we have a 97% data overlap.

Very little can be analysed on a day to day basis. For example: As you can see in your post and the previous days', the top performers are in exactly the same order - photography, spanish, life, etc. And so what is gained from looking at this chart from an analysts point of view?

Also, I see this same 'monthly' analysis has taken place for the past week or more, and so 97% of the data is being over-lapped each day.

This is a good post format, but I suggest that this analysis is carried out on a weekly basis so that each week is compared to the previous 3 weeks. This will allow a useful set of new data, to be compared to a previous same time period and so new conclusions and trends can be spotted.

In the rules for Utopian under Analysis, we have:

  • Never write about analyses you have already shared before or someone else have already shared before.

It is on this basis that I have to reject your post today. I hope that I have given you enough details above to explain this decision.

After further review by Utopian supervisors, this post has been given a warning based on failure to adhere to the rule stated above.

You can contact us on Discord.

In the rules for Utopian under Analysis, we have:

  • Never write about analyses you have already shared before or someone else have already shared before.

It is on this basis that I have to reject your post today. I hope that I have given you enough details above to explain this decision.

After further review by Utopian supervisors, this post has been given a warning based on failure to adhere to the rule stated above.

@abh12345 , ok i do understand this fully. will try to another type of analysis. =)

This post has received gratitude of 6.60 % from @appreciator thanks to: @robin-ho.

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