Looking for Utopian contributers for the Minecolonies Minecraft mod

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)

Hey folks,

I am looking for contributors to Minecolonies.


What is Minecolonies?

MineColonies is a town building mod that allows you to create your own thriving Colony within Minecraft! With features including many NPC workers, buildings, a fantastic building tool and a robust permissions system in multiplayer, you can have the Colony of your dreams!

How can I help?

  • We are always looking for java coders who help us develop the mod and add more features to it
  • We are in dire need of documentation. We have a wiki but we could use tutorials and developer documentation
  • We need Videos. If you have a minecraft channel, make a showcase of the mod, giving an intreduction tutorial to it
  • We need Artwork. We have awesome people on the team who design custom blocks and interfaces for us and we need more of them to make the mod truly beautiful
  • We need buildings. Get in the game and build a theme in a style that is missing. If your theme is high quality, we can add it.
  • We need translations. We have a few languages already and we need more. And some languages are only 80% complete. We are currently talking with babelfish here.

Why this call?

I was applying for the new utopian sponsorship and they do not accept projects that have no contribution yet. So once we got our first utopian contributions, I will reapply and donate to the project myself.

How to start?

Get in touch. You can find our platforms on our website or visit our github page or our utopian page. Translations through crowdin are very welcome.

There are many open issues and lots of work to do. And if you need any help getting started, just ask and our team can help you set up. Please communicate when you plan to do something, so we can plan it in.

To start developing, start by reading our README, where you see how to set up your workspace. You can fork the repo or get in touch so we give you write-access to a specific branch.

There are many issues that need help. Most bug reports are hard to spot or evaluate, so a lot of work goes into talking with the reporter and reproducing the issue. Some bugs are edge cases in minecraft when concurrency is involved or other mods misbehave. There are alse features like adding a new citizen to the mod. We try to label all issues and use a help wanted tag for good first issues that don't neet too much experience with the project.

Once you fixed the issue, you open up a pull request and at least two maintainers will review it and give you feedback. We also use automated reporting software so you get some feedback on code quality too. Once it is all done, we will merhe your pull request and ask you to port it to other verniosn of minecraft.

An example of a good contribution: https://utopian.io/utopian-io/@raycoms/minecolonies-and-nametags
You notice all three pull requests are attached (one for 1.10, one for 1.11 and one for 1.12).

Until our sponsor application is through I will support the project with upvotes. So helping us out can be really profitable :)

Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


Hey @reggaemuffin, thank you for the contribution!
This is an interesting project and we would love to see it grow.
In order to move this contribution to accepted based on utopian rules for task requests, it is advisable to split this task request into separate ones, with each containing good amount of details into each one. For instance, each development task can be on a separate post with a callout for developers. Similarly Documentation and so on...
Please edit the post accordingly, and feel free to create separate new ones for the other tasks. We will then be happy to approve the different ones.

For posting rules, check Rules
You can contact us on Discord

Hey @mcfarhat,

Thank you for the feedback.

I wanted this to be a general callout for contributions on utopian-io and will post more specific requests soon.

I just didn't want to make too many redundant posts at once 😊

Can I edit this post to be a general callout for developers with instructions how to find things to work on?

Yes that would work out great!
Please do and try to include some high level general ideas about some of the dev work required to make it clear for devs.


Thank you for the contribution. It has been approved.

You can contact us on Discord.

good luck @reggaemuffin . but FYI : web page some menu not works like /shop like /recruitment

Yeah we are currently working on that. Most of our user facing pages need some love, contributions always welcome :)

don't expert <?php> :) but (my personnal idea) use to off.web more fictional and technological for miners.

A very interesting project, hope you find all the help you need. Btw Is the translation through crowdin?


We were using poeditor till now but funny thing: I was setting up crowdin just this instant :)

yes, I stumbled across it on crowdin :) looking forward to contribute!

A great thing...to build your own minecolony. But sadly, i cannot help. :/
Good luck anyways!*

Thanks :)

sorry I can't be of help here, but resteemed hope other users gets to see it

you welcome I hope it turns out great would be on the look out for future post related to this contribution thumbs-up

U lalala.. Good post @reggaemuffin.. Thanks for sharing.. 😎😎

Hey @reggaemuffin I am @utopian-io. I have just upvoted you!


  • WOW WOW WOW People loved what you did here. GREAT JOB!
  • Seems like you contribute quite often. AMAZING!

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In my personal opinion I think a very interesting and ambitious project and that is very positive, the idea is to continue looking for ways to attract the attention of investors and that your project will raise and in the short term I have a lot of success, I think the main idea is to continue being perseverant to get the done thing continues like that friend and I wish you many success

can you give me approve for translate language.

Will do in a bit, I am still setting up the tool and trying things out 😊

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