The Guild of NanoGuards whitepaper v.1.0

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)

The Guild of NanoGuards



  1. Introduction
  2. Mission Statement
  3. The name of the Guild
  4. Guild logo
  5. The Guild ranks
  6. The explanation of the function of the Guild ranks
  7. The rules of the Guild
  8. The requests by the Guild to SPN
  9. The explanation of the project
  10. The explanation of the Remuneration programme and the Promotion programme
  11. The story of the Guild
  12. The Guild book
  13. The template to submit a Guild request in the future

1. Introduction

In response to the continued development of the STEEMPUNK-NET MMORPG blockchain game, and an observed trend of currently not holding players’ motivation in using the game to its fullest potential, @jillfeint developed an idea to create a game Guild with the aim to use it in the support, recruitment and reward-sharing which the game is structured around. For help in expanding on ideas and setting out the whitepaper for this, @jillfeint brought @ravenruis on board. As players, we are excited to support the game in any way we can, although we have no legal affiliation with the STEEMPUNK-NET (SPN) game creators. The Guild has been created, and will function, independently of the SPN game makers PCSG-Dev. We have developed a skeletal structure from which to base the Guild off of, and envision future in-game Guilds use this as a blueprint for their own formation and development.

2. Mission Statement

To support the game developers.
To promote the game in a range of languages.
To encourage new players to the game.
To keep players interested in the game.
To incentivise active players.

3. Name of the Guild

The Guild of NanoGuards

4. Sample logo

(logo and motto here)
guild shield.jpg
(example pic)

5. The Guild Ranks

guild ranks 3.png

6 . The explanation of the functions of the Guild ranks

Captains (of which there are 2) - administrate; moderate; curate; create; report, suggest

  • They report to the SPN game administrators/developers any ideas they
    have, or problems they find, regarding the game, although this is
    purely in a supportive capacity.
  • They administrate two lieutenants each, and oversee their duties.
    They develop and run the Guild curation programme.
  • They create and maintain the structure & development of the Guild.

Lieutenants (of which there are 4) - recruit and oversee cadets; weekly reports to the Captains regarding Cadets’ duties

  • The four lieutenants are responsible for the recruitment and
    overseeing the maintenance of duties as expected of the Cadets.
  • They post weekly reports to their assigned captains, the data from
    which the Captains can incorporate into their curation programme.

Cadets (of which there are 12) - the cadets are all active players who want to belong to the Guild, so they must follow the rules. They are the recruiters who drop invites to potential new players. They have the opportunity to earn $SBD for this.

  • They will report directly to their assigned lieutenants.
  • One of their main duties will be to go onto Steemit and find
    non-players to invite to the game each week. Then they report back to
    their lieutenants with their lists. (This will help in not inviting
    the same person twice.)
  • They are ambassadors for the game, and must be polite and respectful
    while representing the Guild, and therefore the SPN game, at all
  • Top recruiters have the opportunity to earn rewards each week.
  • They will also be supported with upvotes from Lieutenants and
  • They will also be encouraged to show support for each other by

7. The rules of the Guild

Each week the Guild members must find new people to ask to join the game, by issuing invitations. They leave something like this comment message (including images) in appropriate posts.

The Guild of NanoGuards invites you to join them in the game STEEMPUNK-NET.


If you want to know more about the project and have support from the Guild,
enter the discord invite server, follow the welcome guides, and ask to participate in the project.
You might like to invite your friends to the game, so you can battle each other.

There should be a number of variations of the invitation messages, to help prevent spamming flags. The Guild captains will provide approved versions.

Currently, when the player profile pops up on another person’s Steemit page (as it has been designed to do) and the shield is clicked on to activate a battle, if the other person isn’t a member of SPN, then the following message is shown - but only to the instigator. It is not yet seen by the non-member in a way that could encourage them to join in the game.


The Guild members then drop the links to those comment invites into a dedicated server room, as proof of task completed. Tallies of these count towards earning top place in the SPN weeklies. In these weekly statistics, the member who has invited the most people to the game will earn a reward.

Guild members must never give a flag to a user of the Guild without first consulting the Guild. If the post content is regarding STEEMPUNK-NET, and you feel that this content truly deserves a flag, you must speak with the Captains of the Guild and wait for them to consult with the admin of SPN. All members will abide by their decision.

The Guild may encourage its members to vote for the witnesses who support the SNP community. As examples, two of them are currently: @utopian-io and @teamsteem.

8. The requests by the Guild to SPN

A channel in the Discord server for the Guild. Only those in the Guild, and admins and mods to have access, so that only Guild business is posted in there. We may need other rooms as the Guild develops.

A dedicated channel in the Discord server so that the users of the Guild can place their completed mandatory weekly invitation links.

Game statistics for data such as the best Guild player, the top recruiter, and others we may develop, from which to base our curation system off of.

Data collection of statistics such as the number of new players who have joined the game from the Guild recruitment programme. This will help us judge how successful we are being.

9. The explanation of the project

With this project we intend to achieve everything that was named in the Mission Statement, but we also have the aim of making the STEEMPUNK-NET game, and the Guild, transcend these goals. Our vision is that current and new players not only stay in the game; what we intend is that this is actually a project that is pointing to the broader gamer community and its different characteristics. But more importantly, that people can do several things that they love: play, enjoy Steemit and share in rewards.

For this, we have created several programmes in which the community can participate in actively. These are the promotion programme and the remuneration programme, which we will explain later; we also have the Guild and its different members with their assigned ranks, each of which have particular functions; we also intend to add a contest with which we mean to attract all those game historians to contribute to the story of the Guild and to do what they love, and that they receive something in return for it - this will also be explained later.

Another of the things we intend to contribute to the project is formulate a standard way of how a structured request for approval should be made to SPN for any new Guilds. We will encourage players outside of our own Guild to look at forming their own, as this would benefit the game even further. To help encourage further guilds to be created by players, we have put a limit on number of members of our Guild - as shown in section 6, we have a structure that comprises of two Captains, four Lieutenants, and twelve Cadets. We feel these are good numbers for each rank to manage, and indeed a good system for any new Guilds to copy.

Once the Guild is active, we would then look at finding further translators to reach more groups of non-English speaking people. The intention is we would ask that they translate the game help guides, game texts, promotional material and anything else that might be helpful to the game and the players.

10. The explanation of the Remuneration programme and the Promotion programme

The Guild, with SPN support, would like to work on a curation project to remunerate its members. This will help encourage players. At least some of the curation can be done off of the daily/weekly stats reports. Currently, daily rewards are issued to the top two players with the most victories, the top two players with the most duels, and the two players who had the closest fight. There is scope for further payouts and categories to add to the daily rewards system; and possibly a weekly system also. Otherwise the Guild will organise this manually.

The Guild may incentivise its members via special rewards, at their discretion. Chosen members may be gifted a token X-SBD (1SBD or 2SBD, for example). These special rewards may be earned via players’ duties and various Steemit activities, as the Guild Captains determine.

The Guild’s curation project would include monitoring of the @steempunknet and @steempunksnet profiles as well as the #steempunknet #steempunksnet #spn #spn-daily tags, and other tags deemed relevant, with the purpose of supporting appropriate posts and comments with upvotes. Monitoring of the tags is easily achieved via the GINAbot, as an example.

11. The Story of the Guild

Run by the Guild, this will be a contest for the community in which stories about, and for, the Guild will be written. The ones that we - the Guild members - like we will support by upvoting, and the best of all will become part of a Guild book, in which we will commemorate all the writings that are worth noting.

12. The Guild Book

In this book we will name all the submissions of the community in relation to the history of the Guild. We will leave a section for the officers, which will be used to integrate the history of the Guild; and another book for the works that were submitted, but not integrated into the main book, because they for whatever reason had not met the requirements to be accepted into the main book.

The chosen stories will be translated into various other languages so a wider audience will be able to enjoy them, and published alongside the original stories, all in the Guild story (including graphic novel/comic) book.

13. The template to submit a Guild request in the future

We propose a standardised, structured template which we will hope will be used to make any new guild requests to STEEMPUNK-NET’s game administrators, based on our own whitepaper format:

Mission Statement

Here it will be proposed, in a summary, what the guild intends to do in the steempunknet community.

Name of the Guild

(name here)

Sample logo

(logo and motto here)
Remember to check for permission before using any steempunknet-related artwork.

The ranks of the Guild

We recommend copying our own structure.
(See whitepaper chart.)

The explanation of the functions of the Guild ranks

An explanation of the ranks and functions of the guild's members goes here.

The rules of the Guild

The rules for the guild must be detailed but easy for all to understand; and not difficult to follow.

The requests by the Guild to Steempunk-net

Here will go the requests for what the guild needs to operate in the steempunknet community.
The guild should be realistic about what can be done by the game developers; and make good use of what tools have already been created.
They should also consider whether their request benefits all players and the overall game.

The explanation of the project

Here is where the guild expands on its mission statement; and how their guild will benefit and support the game as a whole.

The explanation of the Remuneration program and the Promotion program

This is the most important part of the petition, because the guild must answer questions like:

  • How are you going to promote the guild and Steempunk-net?
  • How are you going to hold the guild?
  • How can you help Steempunk-net improve their rewards?
  • etc.

The story of the Guild

Here the guild will explain how they will build the history of their guild; or if they have already done so, this is where they will put the story. The guild will also explain how they will collect these stories from members, and whether they envision running competitions - or other means - to motivate people to submit the stories.
Building a background concept for your guild is a good way to inspire a sense of ‘team’.

The Guild book (optional)

Here, the guild will explain how they will create, publish, promote and distribute their book; and whether it will be freely available or whether it will be sold.

enter image description here

discord invite

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


This is such a great idea for a game. Can't wait to see blockchain game reach is full potential.

This is a curation bot for TeamNZ. Please join our AUS/NZ community on Discord.
For any inquiries about the bot please contact @cryptonik.

Good :)

Hello @revenruis, thank you for contributing to the community. Your contribution seems to be in the wrong category (suggestion-category). From the look of things, this fits more in Copywriting-category. You are advised to edit this contribution and fix in the suggested category to reaply for approval as soon as possible.

Utopian team

hi @knowledges, we had already quite a lot of discussions about these topics ;) I know that neither of those two categories are perfect, but i know that the idea behind this guild is.
So could you please make an effort and approve, because iam definetly :)

Kind regards
ps for sure always ready to talk on discord as well my dear ;)

At the time of discussion (15 hours ago), you were mentioned more than trice to get your opinion on this particular contribution, but it seems you were unavailable at that moment. I will verify the contribution since you believe (as a project owner) that its really helpful to your project and can be considered in the suggesion-category. Thank you.

Sorry knowledges :) I was tied to the bed having a flu.
Kind regards

This is our beautiful and hard work: D

It sure is!

This sounds really interesting @ravenruis, There are many gaming community's in crypto, a gaming guild could really help all of these community's.

You should come play too! :D

I might have to check it out!

Thats so cool. I'm really amazed at how it all turns out. I never thought that we would get steempunknet so far. a mega thank you for your work and energy you put in!!

Time for a giant group hug!

Your contribution cannot be approved because it does not follow the Utopian Rules.

This suggestion best fits into copy writing category.
Thank you.
You can contact us on Discord.

Hey @ravenruis I am @utopian-io. I have just upvoted you!


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  • Contribute more often to get higher and higher rewards. I wish to see you often!
  • Work on your followers to increase the votes/rewards. I follow what humans do and my vote is mainly based on that. Good luck!

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  • Did you know project owners can manually vote with their own voting power or by voting power delegated to their projects? Ask the project owner to review your contributions!

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Very interesting concept and I already sign up for but I found it quite hard to follow to progression in development. As I can tell right now it is only fighting via comments, votes and resteem. How does your guild make things different? And how do other people know that I joined you?

Hi @masterthematrix it might be easiest if you came into the Discord server and we can point you at the guides, or answer questions directly. :)

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