
There is no reason to be afraid. Which part is actually making you feeling unsafe?

the shiva statue in front of their headquarters, multiple CERN scientists claiming they are "breaking through to alternate dimensions" , the existence of FermiLabs in the USA being largely concealed, etc.

So, okay.

  • The shiva statue is a gift from India to celebrate their cooperation with CERN. There is a plaque on it explaining this.
  • You said: "multiple CERN scientists claiming they are breaking through to alternate dimensions". I say: proofs please.
  • "the existence of FermiLabs in the USA being largely concealed" -> Fermilab can be visited. Not sealed at all. The last time I was there was a coupe of years ago and I can ensure you that the most dangerous thing there may be the buffaloes...


Ok I acknowledge that comment makes me sound like a maniac. But, Shiva is the God of Destruction...

As to the scientists quote, I am still searching but I will reply to your post when I find it.

Also yes, FermiLabs was definitely not concealed although it has been around since the 60s and is not common knowledge. Even people that are into science are not aware nor is the site talked about. This of course could just be a symptom of the people I surround myself with, this is just my personal experience.

Have you seen this video?

Its really strange.

Additionally I chuckled at DUNE as if they could pick a more nefarious reference, As in Frank Herbert's Dune where we are mining the entire universe for Spice...

Many things to reply there... Let's take them one by one.

But, Shiva is the God of Destruction...

But not only. The dancing Shiva is represented by this statue, and it symbolizes the life force. The belief is that Shiva danced the Universe into existence, motivates it and will eventually terminate the project. According to Carl Sagan we have here a link between the cosmic dance of Shiva to the modern study of the cosmic dance of the elementary particles.

I hope this clarifies. More information can be foundhere.

Even people that are into science are not aware nor is the site talked about.

This is just totally wrong. The site is public, can be accessed by anyone and it offers public art, education and visitor programs. Just go there by yourself and help yourself.

I won't watch the 45 minutes video. Please make me a TLDR version :) (sorry but no time; really).

Additionally I chuckled at DUNE as if they could pick a more nefarious reference, As in Frank Herbert's Dune where we are mining the entire universe for Spice...

So you are complaining because physicists are finding nice acronyms for their experiments? This is not very nice from you... By the way. DUNE is a project and only a proto-DUNE detector has been deployed at CERN for the moment. It is a very important experiment for neutrino physics and dark matter.

I wouldn't call SATAN a "nice" acronym?

Well, this is subjective. I find it funny.

what is funny about satanism?

Don't forget the black holes that will swallow earth in 2015!!

this is tongue-and-cheek although I don't know the specifics of what you are referring to

Wow.. A superman has been spotted! Would you share with me the secret behind you reading a big article within one minute?? I'm impressed man! I think you are not from the planet earth!

I think it was two minutes technically.

Often I will upvote and peruse articles I find interesting so that I can go back later and study them in depth.

Good method @pynchon. I really appreciate it. But still some authors categories those who comment under 2 minutes as spammers though their intentions might not be to spam.

Have a good day!

I don't think its spam, I was expressing that I enjoyed the authors content. I guess the judgement is in the eye of the author...

You also started a real discussion exposing your questions. This is appreciated!

I indeed did not notice that detail ;)

Like really a a wonder-man reading it under a minute....I can imagine🙂.

Who knows for a wonder woman? :)


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