STEEMPUNK-NET Discord Bot Update - command design, cli command, MIT licence

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)


New Features

  • What feature(s) did you add?

We closed some Issues and rewrite the complete help command. In addition, the bot got now a cli extension.

We have completely rewritten the help command since it was extremely confusing. In the Discord Chat some users have made some suggestions that the embed API is more suitable for this purpose.
This needed a complete rewrite of the commands, because the embed API cannot handle md files.

Example for the embed API:

Since we also had a feature request from @jillfeint ( all this was done in one go.

  • How did you implement it/them?
  • Help Folder: The complete handling of the help has been completely restructured and implemented as javascript files
  • Steemit Vote CLI Trail The CLI vote functionality has been implemented because our guild wants to coordinate votes on different links. This functionality is intended for the direct use of the bot. If you would like to learn how to coordinate votes with steemjs, you can take a look at the steemit-vote.js file. The usage is simple nodejs cli/steemit-vote.js.
    CLI usage
  • Spanish welcome message @jillfeint issue was implemented, too. This was added directly to the welcome message
Here are some screenshots of our new Discord message

Pictures say more than a thousand words :-)

spanish welcome message

The complete push / commit history

Thanks for reading
Hen for PCSG Developers and STEEMPUNK-NET Team

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


Thank you for the contribution. It has been approved.

You can contact us on Discord.

Thank you!

I am impressed by the frequency and amount of effort you guys put into this project. Keep up the great work!

Hey @pcsg-dev I am @utopian-io. I have just upvoted you!


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  • Seems like you contribute quite often. AMAZING!

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