December Post Bench marking Report - Steemit Business Intelligence

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)

If anyone missed it, Steemit was busting at the seams in December. The price of SBD and STEEM began to climb and the number of new users registering was also way up on previous months

So what impact has all this buzz done for Posts on Steemit? Every month I prepare a report on Steemit Posts (Not Comments) to establish some sort of benchmark. I really use this to see how my post have performed against the average on Steemit. I have been looking forward to this analysis because I know December was a fantastic month for many of us.

If you missed the November report you can check it out here

As always I have connected to Steemsql using Power BI and the query is used was

     SELECT *   
     FROM Comments (NOLOCK)
     where created >= CONVERT(datetime,'12/01/2017') 
     and created< CONVERT(datetime,'01/01/2018')
    and depth = 0

Financial Performance of Posts

November Report

December Report


The % of posts with no payout was 18.54% in the month of December, rather consistent with the previous month, however the % of posts with a payout of <=SBD$1 has reduced from 63.85% to 56.77%. In November we only had 1 post with a payout of >SBD$501. In December we had 83 posts over SBD$501, 3 of which earned over $1000.

Overall the average payout for a post in December was SBD$3.75, if we exclude all posts with 0 payment then this increased to $4.60. In November these values were 1.75 and 2.18 respectively.

The number of posts also increased from Nov to December by 40%, however the total posts earning has increased by almost 200% from the month of November to December

My Stats


I am well please with my Steemit post earnings for the month of December. 55% of my posts had earning of over SBD$51. Taking the overall picture, only 1.5% of post earned over SBD$51 so to have achieve 7% rocks.

Votes Received on Posts

November Report

December Report


The % of posts with 0 net votes increased from 8.45% in November to 10.15% in December and the % of posts with 51-100 net votes decreased 4.63% from to 3.62%.

The number of posts with net down votes increased from 7,428 in November to 19,390 in December. That’s an increase of 171%

My Stats


Again I am well pleased. As I don’t use Minnowsupport for a boost in vote numbers anymore it is really good to see this is still growing for me. In general 6.5% of posts received 51+ votes. 94% of my posts have achieved 51+ votes

Comments Received on Posts

November Report

December Report


The % of post with 0 remained rather consistent from November to December. There were no posts with more than 1000 comment in November but in December there were 3.

There was a decrease in the % of posts with 1 comment and this seems to have shifted to the % increase on posts with 2-10 comments.

This is one area I would encourage everyone to take part in more. Leaving comments. Simple words of encouragement can really help authors, and when I write a post, I like too see comments. So this advice is to me as much as you reading this. Leave more comments. People take the time to write and prepare posts that I read. The least I could do is leave a comment……….

My Stats


Comments mean so much to me, thank you everyone that engaged with my posts. I do try and reply, but I know I am a little behind at the moment.

Other Relevant Data


The line chart above shows the number of posts made in day in December. We can see a peak of 35,798 on the 21st December

The bar-chart below this represents hour of the day when posts were made. This peaks at 3 o’clock in the afternoon


Although Steemit had a bumper month in December, % changes in the metrics above were not material except for the number of posts increased from Nov to December by 40% and the total posts earning has increased by almost 200% from the month of November to December.

My growth continues to surprise me. I did post a lot more in December, I went from 23 posts in November to 34 in December. But that was hard work and I know I cannot sustain that level of posting

How did your posts preform against these metrics in November? Comment below and share your experience.

**I am part of a Blockchain Business Intelligence community. We all post under the tag #blockchainbi. If you have an analysis you would like carried out on Steemit data, please do contact me or any of the #blockchainbi team and we will do our best to help you... **

You can find #blockchainbi on discord

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


Thanks for the data, very interesting! I am trying to find data on the internal steemit market. I am especially interested in the daily volatility, and daily graphs of the price moves and spreads in the internal market for a future article I am writing. Do you have any advise on where I can find these or should I learn Power BI? Thanks

"This is one area I would encourage everyone to take part in more. Leaving comments. Simple words of encouragement can really help authors, and when I write a post, I like too see comments."

I should comment more, I admit. I've been a bad boy...


Thanks for the analysis!

incredible, you are so great

"posts with a payout of <=SBD$1 has reduced from 63.85% to 56.77%", that is kinda cool, gettin' towards 50% with something to show for posts // more users pouring in every day // your friend @stellabelle just had a faucet party, first one i've been to (-:

:-) its good news all round....hope you enjoyed the party

thank you for great post @paulag approved on Utopian.

You can contact us on Discord.

Excellent, hope to contribuye to the growth of the community ,thank you for the info.

As a matter of fact I just started today my journey on steemit,I would like to keep track of my progress every month until December.
I would like to also join the discord chat.
Congratulations and keep up the good work, good job!!!!!

we are the best now

Hey @paulag I am @utopian-io. I have just upvoted you!


  • Seems like you contribute quite often. AMAZING!

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Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63476.24
ETH 2487.86
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.68