Creating a Personal Card with Animation with Sass Scss codes and meaning of the codes

in #utopian-io6 years ago


What Will I Learn?

  • You will learn how to use basic codes on more projects
  • You will learn how to use transform code and its rotate parameter with combination of hover function.
  • You will learn how to use perspective on 3D effects
  • You will learn why we use transform-origin: left
  • You will learn how to define sliding effect on images.
  • You will learn the meaning and working of other codes.


  • Any text editor. (Brackets, Atom, Notepad++)
  • Basic HTML knowledge
  • Basic SCSS code knowledge
  • SASS installed.
  • Local server (Wampserver)
  • Any browser



  • Intermediate


In this tutorial we will create a animated profile card with hover effect like a book cover. with sass scss. You can use it on your websites and change the codes colors images etc as you want.

1- You need sass installed on your envorioment and need to let sass watch all changes between scss and css so that it can translate all codes to css. You need also a basic html page with 4 divisions.

  • Main division
  • Division for image
  • Cover division
  • Text are division

2- We will define body with basic codes and than size our main division, center it and also give a background color. After that second division will be styled to fit in main division when the image is inserted .

3- Here we will define our effect for our image. With this codes our image will be sliding to the right and will have 0.5 opacity.

4- Here we will define our cover division and make it 70% as widht. It's needed for our project and effec on image. Here is most important thing is last two codes transform-origin: left and transform: perspective(1600px) rotateY(-90deg) Here with 90deg will our element disappear and because of origin left it will take his effect from there. If you want to learn it please play with numbers and test it.

5- With this hover effect hidden element will appear again with animation. Here 1600px perspective is needed for distance. Between 1600px and 2000px are fine. You can change it and see what happens.

6- These codes are all for styling our element with text and icons.

7- As last step we are defining our last hover effect for icons to change their backgrounds.

8- And final work...


Video Tutorial


Proof of Work Done


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