Proposal for Online Radio, Karaoke, Refresh Library, HomeScreen Widget Appearance, Sort By Album,Title and Duration.

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)


SicMu Player is an intuitive, lightweight and powerful open source music player for Android. This music player however lacks some features which can be added to the application. The features are explained below in the proposal section.


The proposal that I am suggesting consists of features which are not in the app. These features are important for a music player to be more advanced. These are given below.

1. Karaoke

With this feature the user will not be able to only listen to the songs in the device but also he will be able to sing the songs. He will be able to sync with the lyrics of the song. Karaoke gives user an option to sing between the lines. This feature should be added.

2. Refresh Library

There is no option to the refresh the song library. When we add the songs to the device an option for quick refres of the library should be available. This option is missing in the application and should be added.

3. Online Radio

An option for connecting to the online broadcasters of music should be included. There is no option to play radio transmission channels over the region. So, an option for connecting to radio channels should be included soon.

4. HomeScreen Widget Appearance

The shortcut of the Music player in the form of the widget on the HomeScreen is required. This widget helps to start and stop and also to play the next song in the queue. This feature gives us fast access to the songs without basically having the need to open the app.

5. Sort By

Sort the songs based on the Title of the songs, this can be ascending or descending depending on the order we choose for the alphabetical sort.

Sorting based on the name of the albums. This is also an alphabetical sort depends on the type of order which can be ascending or descending.

Sorting of the songs which is done on the basis of the length of the songs, which is time duration of the song. We can keep it from low to high or high to low.

Played History
Sorting which is done on the basis of the songs we have played recently. The history of songs played by us.

Mockups / Examples

The example to show how the addition of the features can be done is shown below.

The HomeScreen Widget Appearance should be added in the settings page of the music player. Shown below

How widget will look like.


The benefits of these features are stated below.

  • Addition of karaoke features will make more users to switch to this music player as karaoke is an interesting feature.
  • Karaoke will allow the users to sing and sync with the lyrics and also record the songs.
  • Library refresh helps to refresh the music library when some additional songs are added to the device.
  • Online Radio helps the users to switch to online radio channels and listen to various programmes, interviews etc.
  • HomeScreen Widget helps to give quick access to the song witg basic options of stopping or forwarding or playing the next song.
  • Sorting is beneficial for arranging the songs in a manner we want to. Sorting with albums, duration, title should be added for better arrangement of the songs.

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


Hello @neemanbhat, this contribution can not be verified because most of the suggested feature is already added in the project's road map.

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Thankyou I will check the rules again.

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