Translations Dollar street into indonesian language (2433 words)

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)


source picture

Project Details

Dollar Street was invented by Anna Rosling Rönnlund at Gapminder. For 15 years she spent her workdays making global public data easier to understand and use. Over time her frustration grew: carefully selecting data to present it in colorful and moving charts made overall global trends and patterns easier to understand. But it did not make everyday life on different income levels understandable.
Everyone needs to eat, sleep and pee. We all have the same needs, but we can afford different solutions. Select from 100 topics. The everyday life looks surprisingly similar for people on the same income level across cultures and continents.


Links related to the translation

crowdin dollar street

gibhab dollar street

my project dollarstreet

open source

Source Language


Translated Language

I have translated this project into Indonesian language , files places.json (2%-4%)

my translete.png

Number Of Words

Write here the total number of words you have translated.

**Number of words translated on this contribution : 2433 words
reppppppp 1.png
report 2.png

Proofread Words

Not proofread words yet

Previous translation on the same project

This the firts i used translation project

Number of words translated on the project before this report (if any): 0

proof of my work

act 1.png
act 2.png
act 3.png
act 4.png
act 5.png

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


Your contribution cannot be approved because it does not follow the Utopian Rules.
It seems to me that the translation you have provided has been made with the help of translation tools. You have translated more than 2000 words in less than 10 minutes, that is very very unlikely, I would say impossible:

2018-01-21 20_38_36-.jpg
2018-01-21 20_38_51-Dollar Street Indonesian translation activity.jpg

You can contact us on Discord.

@sarmizegetusa what makes you not convince the children is impossibl I translete in 10 minutes, before I translete it first in another place in the form of a dictionary then I type in the laptop and save his new I translete to to the utopian-translation

After reading the comment you have wrote, I am absolutely sure you have poor English skills.
This phrase " what makes you not convince the children is impossibl I translete in 10 minutes, before I translete it first in another place in the form of a dictionary then I type in the laptop and save his new I translete to to the utopian-translation" makes no sense.

Thus, someone who cannot write properly in English, for sure cannot translate. A translator has to be fluent in both languages, it cannot go one way.

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