SteemMe V0.0.2: The best account overview browser extension

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)

SteemMe V.0.0.2

New Features

  • What feature(s) did you add?

V.0.0.2 provides one new feature added to SteemMe and some layout changes for the options page.

Added Quick Links

SteemMe provides now at the bottom of the extension a list of quick links to following use profile pages:

  • Steemit
  • Utopian
  • Busy
  • DTube

Screen Shot 2018-02-12 at 10.12.12.png

New Option Page Layout

Screen Shot 2018-02-12 at 10.11.50.png

The old layout and design of the option page was quite provisional, so I changed it to something more good looking and also to something more future orientated (since more options will come).

  • How did you implement them?
Quick Links

The quick links feature uses jQuery and custom data-href attributes inside the <a> tags to provide dynamic url based on the user.

Option Layout

For the new option layout Bootstrap is used, also the standard injected chrome styling is disabled to fix layout issues with bootstrap.


  • V.0.0.2:
    • Quick Links
    • More detailed Options Page
  • Next Up: V.0.0.3:
    • Pending Payouts
    • Using Promises
  • V.0.1:
    • Statistics about earned SBD / SP over last Week (collapsible + graph)
    • Bandwidth Data
    • UI
    • Better loading times
    • More...


Feel free to contribute by forking the GitHub Repo and creating Pull Requests. You can check the Roadmaps to find ideas, or you can implement your own stuff.

How to install it?

Please visit the Google Chrome Webstore and download the extension!

Go to your Extensions Tab and click options to set your Steemit Username
Screen Shot 2018-02-07 at 13.44.01.png

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  • Seems like you contribute quite often. AMAZING!

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