SteemMe - Claim Rewards inside the AddOn!

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)


SteemMe V0.0.6 (Commit)

What feature(s) did you add?


  • Set your private posting key inside the options:
    Screen Shot 2018-03-07 at 13.32.58.png

    Don't worry I will not use your key for anything else, the project is Open Source so you can have a look ;) The Key is optional and only needed if you want to claim your rewards directly from inside the addon. SteemConnect will be used later... Also as you can see is you key never displayed inside the option window, even if it is set.

  • Claim Rewards directly from the Wallet Detail Page:
    Screen Shot 2018-03-07 at 12.58.05.png

    SteemMe now has a Wallet Detail Page, where you can claim your rewards (If there are any and your key is set). If you don't have any rewards or your key is not set the Wallet Detail Page looks like this:

    Screen Shot 2018-03-07 at 13.29.15.png

How did you implement it/them?

Styling is done via Bootstrap, for the Claim Rewards Button I use the same styles as Steemit.

To claim Rewards SteemJS is used with following function:

function claimRewards(e) {

    steem.broadcast.claimRewardBalance(active_key, username, '0.000 STEEM', userData.reward_sbd_balance, userData.reward_vesting_balance, function(err, result) {
        if (err) {


To decide and display the current rewards this code is used:

const user_reward_vesting_steem = Number(userData.reward_vesting_steem.replace(" STEEM", ""))
const user_reward_sbd_balance = Number(userData.reward_sbd_balance.replace(" SBD", ""))

if (active_key && active_key !== null && (user_reward_sbd_balance > 0 || user_reward_vesting_steem > 0)) {
            var unclaimedString = '';

            if (user_reward_sbd_balance > 0) {
                unclaimedString += user_reward_sbd_balance + 'SBD';

            if (unclaimedString.length > 0) {
                unclaimedString += ' & '

            if (user_reward_vesting_steem > 0) {
                unclaimedString += user_reward_vesting_steem + 'SP';

            $('#rewards-unclaimed')[0].innerHTML = unclaimedString;


  • V.0.0.6:
    • Wallet Details page
  • Next: V.0.0.7:
    • More Wallet Detail Page
  • V.0.1:
    • UI
    • More...


Feel free to contribute by forking the GitHub Repo and creating Pull Requests. You can check the Roadmaps to find ideas, or you can implement your own stuff.

How to install it?

Please visit the Google Chrome Webstore and download the extension!

Go to your Extensions Tab and click options to set your Steemit Username
Screen Shot 2018-02-27 at 12.46.46.png

Proof for GitHub

Screen Shot 2018-02-23 at 10.47.12.png

benediktveith is my main GitHub account.
Check here for another proof
Link to relevant lines in the code on GitHub and explain briefly what you added/changed.

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


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  • You have less than 500 followers. Just gave you a gift to help you succeed!
  • Seems like you contribute quite often. AMAZING!

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