CoinStats - A NodeJS Cryptocurrency Statistic Bot - New Graph & Cleaning output folder

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)



What feature(s) did you add?


  • Added a new overview graph, showing the percentage change of the last 7 days for each coin
  • Added a new config option to toggle auto posting to steemit
  • Added a cleanup function and utils class to remove all images after uploading
  • Graphs now have a title

How did you implement it/them?

The new utils.js which uses the file system to remove all images:

var fs = require('fs');

var clearImgFolder = function () {
    var path = './img';
    if (fs.existsSync(path)) {
        fs.readdirSync(path).forEach(function(file, index){
          var filePath = path + "/" + file;


module.exports = {
  clearImgFolder: clearImgFolder,

The new graph is done by changing the graphdata and the config.json got a new key 'should_post_to_steemit' which defaults to true.

if (!config.should_post_to_steemit) {
        console.log('Not uploading to Steemit - Abort');
  • V.0.3:
    • Bar Charts shows only percentage change over last week
    • Toggle Steemit auto posting via config
    • Clearing img/ folder after upload
  • V.0.4:
    • Layout changes
  • V.1.0:
    • More information (e.g different Charts for each Coin)
    • Running on a Server and automatically post every day
    • Custom messages for the coins

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BTC 63974.07
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SBD 2.54