Application post to become a member of Utopian moderator team in Translation Category
Introducing myself
My name is Miguel Medina, I'm from Venezuela and currently studying Computer Engineering. I am growing in the development area hoping to be a great app dev in the future, already working on an Android game which is coming out soon. I joined Steemit on December 31st because of a conversation with a friend days before. Since the first day, I started to investigate everything I could about the platform until I found Utopian. I got kinda amazed when I went deeper into the community, nothing like this was able to be done before (or at least nobody did), so I really liked the concept. I've been collaborating on Translations to different open source projects and I've been noticing that the amount of contributors is bigger than the number of moderators which leads sometimes to the wrong approval of a contribution, I'm not here to judge but to help by joining you and help you in that hard labor of checking all those contributions. Yes, I want to be in the translations area.
What team do I want to be in?
Today a biweekly conference took place where we heard some opinions from the administration about the way Utopian should work and what to modify. I was obviously muted but @ruah hit the target with his intervention about the translation contributions and he has the same point of view I have so I believe we could understand better. Team @ruah
Why do I think I could be a great moderator?
- I think there are more contributions coming in than mods to check them properly.
- I want to spend my free hours in an intelligent way and 'working' for Utopian is like a dream come true for an open-source projects believer so I will do my best.
- Common errors like translating a code string would be easy to spot since I'm a programmer myself (under construction, but works for the task).
- I would be reviewing Spanish translations which number of contributors is continuously growing (Spanish is my native language).
Thanks for your time, best regards.
Me alegra mucho el éxito que estás teniendo, amigo. Sigue así y ya verás cómo te aceptan como nuevo miembro del equipo utópico, porque yo espero que así sea.