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RE: Promoting Translation Category: 51 Translators & Proofreaders Getting FOSS projects in Crowdin Go Global

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)

Thanks for the contribution.

It's a great strategy get all translators to work together on the same projects.

I must confess that while reading your submission, I felt that I was reading something that had already been published previously. This happened because a large part of your post is written in report format. I had that feeling mainly in the sections about recruiting, contributions report and about the teams structure, and in previous submissions of your series, you have described in detail several of these points.

In the section about projects that are being internationalized, something similar happens. A part of the information is a report about the translation status, and the other one is a basic description about the project. It is difficult to see how these reports can add value to the project, especially because for the next submission (report) it would be a matter of changing some numbers and already.

Congratulations to the translation team for their great work.

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Hello @kit-andres, this is very discouraging as this report is entirely different from the previous updates. I spent so much time working on the update providing all the new elements and you tell me that it is all rehashing old stuff and changing some numbers? Please re-read these blog posts and don't put your subjective remark about "the blog post report is just a matter of changing some numbers." I am sorry, I have no intention of doing that at all.

  1. In the past post, I never talked about the number of words translated in the contributions.
  2. I've added the graphs for the audience to get the visual effect.
  3. I've explained about the growth of translations done, how and why.
  4. I've listed the number of growth in teams. It certainly is not like #3 blog.
  5. I've added the kind of FOSS Projects they are working on which is new.

This is what translation category is about. In the future, we will be recruiting more teams, more translators, more languages, more FOSS projects. And of course with the new teams, I need to keep the old teams in there for record. I can't remove them but for sure, it will be added elements in the report. This what growth is about. We are not dealing with numbers but people.

At this rate, I am going to give up on helping this Blog category to grow.

Please give more specific guidance and constructive comments as to what you like to see in this Translation Category Movement. I've put so much effort working on these 4 write ups, and been patient enough but today's comment finally did it and do no deserve this kind of return for the hard work put in. The 4 write ups are reports of 5 different week's work so there is stepwise steady growth. It is not as if I am writing 4 blog posts on just 1 week's progress which you made it sound like it is redundant. Also each time, I made changes according to the comments given to me but you guys keep changing your thoughts. I'll be writing my 5th write up in 2 weeks time after we have our 3rd recruitment. Each recruitment builds on top of the previous ones so I cannot not write about previous recruitments. Please give me some specific guidelines.

All this is too discouraging on this 4th round.


To begin with, I definitely know that the work behind the translation category is hard, and that the work you and the team are doing is admirable.

Nor can I ignore the work behind its submission, this "change of some numbers" has more to do with the visual part and submission format than with the hard work behind them. I have not said that you have changed some numbers to write this submission, but for the following, it could be a matter of doing it (it is more or less something like how the reports work, regardless of the difficulty to generate them), it's a little bit different. Obviously, I do not know about your intention, and I can not judge about this, apologize if it seems that I did.

Posts in the category are expected to include project promotion, project introduction and development log. But reports are a different topic, and it is especially difficult to evaluate it thinking that we are expecting for each post in a series to be original and with unique information, and it's not because the information is not valuable, it's because the format is a report format, and this is what generates the feeling that the submissions are very similar. please, do not get me wrong, I'm judging the format, and not the hard work that you have done during the week.

On the other hand, I also think that it is possible that in the projects that are growing we start to have this type of report format more constantly, and I think it is worth evaluating in the category if it is possible to consider them from a different approach.

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