Copropiedad Integral | A web application created to co-properties (Condominiums) administrators and accountants.

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)


Project repository

I have been working for some time in a new open source project called "Copropiedad Integral". This project is a web application that allows co-properties (Condominiums) administrators and accountants to manage their work in an easy and free way.

Before going on to explain the project in detail, I want to give an update about the way that I am planning the future of my open source projects.

As many in the Utopian and the Steemit community know, I have been working on a project called QueryJane. This is a web application created to boost the economy in the cannabis industry. Now, with this new project called "Copropiedad Integral", the goal is to offer a web application to boosts the micro-companies dedicated to manage the administration and the accounting of co-propierties (condominiums, horizontal property).

As you can see, these project have been created to boost growth in emerging sectors of the economy and small and medium businesses. Based on this approach, I have been working to create a legal support to these applications. It's really necessary, because I'm creating applications that manage users data and these applications need a legal figure to build trust in users. I have created a foundation to support the projects and and work to boost the growth of emerging economies by developing open source applications. The creation of this type of institutions involve a large amount of paperwork in Colombia, but we are close to finishing this process and being able to present the foundation publicly. I will be updating you about news about the foundation status.

Ok, now, let me show you what this new project consists of.

New Projects

What is the project about?

This application has been created to provide co-properties (condominiums, horizontal property) managers with the necessary tools to manage administration and communication with co-owners in a simple and safe way.

The Colombian company Servisoluciones PH has been a great ally to devise and develop this project. They, as a lot of micro companies in Colombia that offer the same services, will be the great beneficiaries of the development of this project. Companies dedicated to manage the administration and accounting of co-properties.

The administrations of a co-property requires the management of a large amount of data and requires efficient communications with co-owners. Those are the needs that we are satisfying with this application.

In this moment, the applications has basic functionalities related to the co-properties, units (houses, offices, apartments) and owners data handling implemented and deployed at the following url:

The applications has been developed initially for Latin American companies. For this reason, Spanish is the unique available language in the web page, take look to the existing features.

user sessions.

I have implemented all the necessary functionalities to manage user sessions. (sing up, login, logout, password recovery, etc).

If you visit the webpage, you will find some basic information about the project status and the project functionalities, and two buttons, "Iniciar sesión (login)" and "Crear cuenta (Signup)".

The sign up form is available in the following url:

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When an user creates an account, a verification email is sent to the registered email:

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The message in the blue alert at the top is "Thank you for registering. We have sent an email to verify your account."

And the email content is the following:

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As you can see, we send a confirmation link to verify the user email. Users can resend verification links if they lose it.

If a registered user has not a verified email and authenticate in the application, the a message will be displayed asking for verification. A button to resend email verification will be available.

By clicking the verification link, the following message will be displayed:

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"Your email has been verified, go to the application."

The login form has been implemented too:

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And, a link to the password recovery form is available there:

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By submit this form, en email with instructions to do the password recovery is sent to the user.

Personal information update.

Registered users can edit their personal information. The edit profile form will be available by clicking the "Editar perfil (Profile edit)" link in the application header:

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The edit profile form will be displayed. To do any change in this form, users must confirm their current password:

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Co-property register

The above functionalities are basic functionalities of any application that manages user sessions. Now, I'm going to describe functionalities directly related with the application objective. A co-property is a group of units (apartments, houses, offices) owned by different persons but that must share common areas and rules.

By clicking the button "Crear nueva copropiedad (Create new co-property)" in the dashboard, the user will be redirected to the co-property form:

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Dashboard link.

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New co-property form.

This form has backend validations to validate the document type fields.

Registered co-properties are listed in the dashboard view:

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By clicking the button "Ver copropiedad (view co-property)", users are redirected to the co-property detail page:

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By clicking the button "Editar información básica (Edit basic information)", users can edit a co-property:

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Units register

A unit represents an apartment, house or office that belongs to the co-property.

In the co-property detail view, there is available a lateral menu. In this menu, there is a link called "Unidades (units)".

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By clicking this link, users are redirected to the units management page:

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By clicking the button "Crear unidad (Create unit)", the unit form is displayed. This is a big form, for this reason, I will explain the field by groups.

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Bloque o interior: This field represents the number of the internal block (building) in the co-property. For example, in a co-property with 5 buildings, each building will be identified with the block number.

Unidad: This field represents the unit id. This is the id for an apartment, house or office.

Coeficiente: The coefficient field represents the value of the vote of the unit owners.

Área: This field represents the surface area of each unit.

Matricula inmobiliaria: This field represents the Real estate registration of each unit.

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In this group of fields, we can see the basic information of the unit owner (First name, last name, document type, document number, mobile phone, email, contact address).

A unit can have more than one owner, for this reason, I have implement a Django formset. If a user clicks the green button "Agregar propietario (Add owner)", one more form with the same fields will be displayed.

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Units can have a maximum of 5 registered owners.

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The last group of field is dedicated to save the information of the unit leaseholder. Not always the unit owner is using it, and rents it to a leaseholder. Only basic information like name, mobile phone and email is necessary here.

When an users submits this form, he's redirected to the unit detail page:

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By clicking the button "Editar unidad (Edit Unit)", users can update the unit information and add or remove owners.

All units are listed in the units sections of the co-properties:

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Now, I will be working in the data update section. The application is registering the owners and the leaseholders contact information, for this reason, I'm able to implement a way to automatize data update sending a link the their emails. Take a look to the roadmap to view my next steps in this project.

With this functionalities we are offering a way to save data in a ordered and safe way. Companies like Servisoluciones PH only have the option to use very expensive applications (,,, etc) or to manage their data in excel documents.

Copropiedad Integral is a big project, I will be updating it constantly and I will search the necessary team to develop and boost it. Soon I will need no integrate a designer to the team (The application needs a logo). I will be sharing all project updated with the Utopian and the Steem blockchain community.

Technology Stack

Copropiedad Integral is a web application developed with Python, using the web framework Django.

The project is configured with Docker, that allows to setup a local environment to run the project in a very easy way.

System requirements (The process to install and configure these requirements is described in the repository README file):

Python packages (In the same way that the system requirements, can be easily installed by following the repository steps):

Django 2.0.5
psycopg2-binary 2.7.4
huey 1.6.1
hashids 1.2.0
Pillow 5.1.0
django-extension 2.0.7
django-widget-tweaks 1.4.2
django-redis-cache 1.7.1
django-formset-js 0.5.0


With the help of the company, we have designed a group of basic functionalities to implement in next days:

  1. parking information.
  2. Owner and leaseholders data update.
  3. Make a reservation for rent Social Hall or Auditoriums.
  4. Generate financial and administrative reports for consultation at the Ordinary or Extraordinary Assembly.
  5. Information Documents (Cleaning Awareness, Recycling Campaigns, Portfolio Collection, documents of Coexistence).
  6. Attach fixed documents of the co-ownership for permanent consultation (Coexistence Manual, Horizontal Property Regulation, Administration Attention Schedules, Rental Schedules, Rental Costs ...).
  7. Providers database.
  8. Online voting.
  9. Sending of Mass Collection Accounts through e-mail.

These activities has been added to our public trello board.

How to contribute?

Copropiedad Integral has been developed using the Django framework. You can fork the project, and run it locally is very easy. Follow the steps described in the open source repository installation guide. The project has been configured using Docker. you only need to install Docker and follow these steps.

If you want to contribute, please join my Discord

GitHub Account

Have happy days ✌


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