Sieve Extension for Mozilla Thunderbird - Translation Into Indonesian Language

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)

Today, I will post the work I did this morning, I can not sleep before finishing it. Work from Project Sieve Extension for Mozilla Thunderbird, the project has not translated yet into Indonesian so I chose to take the first place I started from 0%.

From the job I translated word for word and get 507 word Indonesian translation, the result hopefully can be a good achievement for my contribution in Utopian-io.

In the file from the previous 0% goes up to 61% translation.

  • Akun ini tidak dikonfigurasi untuk mengelola saringan. locale.dtd 05:13 AM
    Jika anda biasanya terhubung ke server ini tanpa masalah, kesalahan ini bisa Berarti seseorang sedang mencoba meniru server. Jangan teruskan kecuali jika anda tahu ada alasan bagus mengapa server ini tidak menggunakan identifikasi terpercaya. locale.dtd 05:12 AM
    Server surat anda mencoba untuk mengidentifikasi dirinya dengan informasi yang tidak benar. locale.dtd 05:11 AM
    Banyak terima kasih kepada semua kontributor: locale.dtd 05:10 AM
    Saringan adalah bahasa script yang ampuh untuk penyaringan email server-side. locale.dtd 05:10 AM
    Bila menggunakan otorisasi proxy anda harus memaksakan Otentikasi "SASL PLAIN". locale.dtd 05:08 AM
    Ganti Mekanisme Otentikasi yang disarankan locale.dtd 05:08 AM
    Pengecualian dan Informasi Mesin Negara locale.dtd 05:07 AM
    Ingatlah bahwa baik SASL Login maupun SASL Plain menghitung kata sandi Anda, itu mungkin diposting dalam teks yang jelas ke konsol kesalahan. locale.dtd 05:07 AM
    Texteditor dengan indenting otomatis menggantikan kebutuhan akan tombol tab, Tapi ada banyak editor yang default tab karena alasan bersejarah. locale.dtd 05:05 AM

I also gave 47 translation suggestions to be reviewed and please be criticized if there is a fatal error from my work.

Please see my activity in crowdin in translation Sieve Extension for Mozilla Thunderbird :

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Your contribution cannot be approved yet. See the Utopian Rules.
Your translations is not accurate, there are still some translations not translate into indonesian language
Please edit your contribution to reapply for approval.

You can contact us on Discord.

Thank you for your feedback Mr. Moderator @yandot, I've done a recommended editing job, please check my work here

Thank you for the contribution. It has been approved.

You can contact us on Discord.

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