Discord Urls Moderator

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)

The issue

Discord channels (for instance, the Utopian channel) needs to be manually moderated for unwanted urls (Steemit ones in their case). Having moderators to do this job is actually no efficient when a machine can filter these messages.

The solution

A solution for the scenario stated above is to have a Discord bot capable of filtering the unwanted urls in moderated channels.


The main benefit of this bot is to let the moderators focus in more important things while the bot is moderating the channels.


  • Moderate specific channels
  • Exclude users from moderation
  • Send DM to the user that send the banned url informing about the situation
  • Lightweigth code!

How to run

  1. git clone https://github.com/jayserdny/discord-urls-moderator
  2. cd ./discord-urls-moderator
  3. npm install
  4. AUTH_TOKEN=your_auth_token node bot.js



Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


Hey @jaysermendez I am @utopian-io. I have just upvoted you!


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Nope, just an auto moderator to avoid spam

This is exactly what I had in mind with my thing but was lacking the experience and knowledge for. Really well made bot!

Thank you :) I know you can do one better than this!

I simply don't have the knowledge and experience, but looking at your code has made me want to improve more! Thank you for giving me this drive!

I will make a tutorial on how to do a Discord bot :) it is my first Discord bot hehehe.

Thank you for the contribution. It has been approved.

That's a good bot. While seeing the code just as a suggestion instead of array of different types of way of typing a steemit link you can go through simple regex maybe to check it.

And as your Github username and utopian username is different please look at the new rules about that point.


You can contact us on Discord.

I was thinking the same about regex. I will implement it :) thanks for the suggestion. Regarding the username, for the next post I will post a proof of ownership.

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