create vehicle parking system using java application

in #utopian-io7 years ago

Java is a language that can run anywhere and on any platform, in a variety of Java environments into technologies that are fundamentally different from others.
JDBC is an API of java.sql and javax.sql packages to connect from a database to a Java program. Here is an analogy from JDBC, for example we sell an electronic device, the device is made by a factory located across the river from our store.Without our boats or bridges it is impossible to take the device we will sell into the factory. The condition is the same as the condition of the database and Java-based applications.Applications.
MySQL is a multi-user, multi-user database management system (DBMS) or DBMS database software, with around 6 million installations worldwide.
MySQL also has several advantages, among others:

  1. Portability
    MySQL can run stable on various operating systems like windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris and others.
  2. Open Source
    MySQL is distributed open source (free), under the GPL license so it can be used free of charge.
  3. Multi User
    MySQL can be used by multiple users at the same time without any problems or conflicts.
  4. Performance Tuning
    MySQL has an amazing speed in handling simple queries, in other words it can process more SQL per unit of time.
  5. Column Types
    MySQL has a very complex column type, such as integer, double, char, text, datedan others.
  6. Command and Function
    MySQL has full operators and functions that support the select andwhere commands in the query.
    Table Officers
    Data Parking Table
    Table Type of Vehicle
    Program View
    1- Form Login
    2-Main Menu Form
    3- Incoming Vehicle Form
    4.-Exit Vehicle Form
    5-Report Form

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