Steemia App [NEWLY LAUNCHED] Suggestion: Add Filters In Notifications!

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)



Component that is going to alter once the change is implemented - "Notifications"
Users should be able to filter different kinds of notifications so that they can keep track of their activity on Steemit.

Right now all notifications are displayed under the "Bell Icon" and shown in the below GIF:


The proposal is pretty simple yet beneficial! Add various filters in "Notifications" page in the form of a drop-down at top of the page to showcase various kind of notifications in a particular category. As soon as a user chooses one category, its notifications will be displayed on the page.

For example, if I want to see the notifications where I got mentioned by someone else on Steem then I will select "MENTIONs" and if I want to filter only the notifications of someone "following" me on Steem then I will select "FOLLOWs"

Although categories can be different from what I am proposing today but I feel that the below filters should be present:

  • All Notifications
  • Comments
  • Mentions
  • Reblogs
  • Follows
  • Transactions

Mockups / Examples

Below are the Mock-ups of Notification Screen once the change is implemented:

  • All Notifications

All Notifications.jpg

  • Comments


  • Mentions


  • Reblogs


  • Follows


  • Transactions



  • It will be easy to navigate to particular set of notifications rather than scrolling infinitely and sorting manually. For ex- If there are thousands of notifications and from that set a user wants to search only notifications where his posts were "Reblogged" or he got "Mentioned" in any post or comment. Then this feature will come to the rescue in searching the required transaction or activity item.

  • This will save user's time and improve user's friendliness of the application.

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


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Hey @jmromero, I just gave you a tip for your hard work on moderation. Upvote this comment to support the utopian moderators and increase your future rewards!

Hello @hungryhustle. Thanks for your contribution. I've just taken a moment to score it.

Overall I think this is a great suggestion and presented well. I can definitely see how it will be more user friendly to have notifications organized by category in an app. Some points to consider:

  • There are several written errors in spelling and grammar that make your post a little harder to follow. We all make mistakes in writing sometimes and your main points are clear. Some extra effort in proof reading or seeking help with this may enable you to score even higher in the future.

  • It is helpful to provide an overview of the project with each suggestion. It does not need to be lengthy. I would suggest adding a paragraph or links that describe who uses the app, how it is used, as well as why (i.e. the two or three 'killer' benefits). This gives the reviewer context to recognize the value of your suggestion — and it's also good visibility for the project 😎 . In this case I felt that you did provide enough information that I could find this context on my own. However I noticed another reviewer indicated they would have liked to see more.

The above are just points where small improvements could be made. The suggestion as you submitted it is really strong work already. Thanks and best wishes!

Wow @tdre! First of all, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking time to score my contribution as well as making this detailed comment on how I can improve. :)

  • English is not my first language and I am still learning daily to improve my speaking and writing skills. Although I understand and know there are grammatical mistakes, I am sure there aren't any spelling mistakes because I use the default spell-checker in my browser. 😝 But I will make sure to proof-read my contribution before posting it for any grammatical or spelling error. I will even install grammarly or any other tool to help me with that.
  • Regarding the overview, in my earlier suggestions(a few got rejected/approved), I added the review at the starting above the "Components" section. But I thought that it was not necessary or required. Maybe @utopian-io folks do not want or care about any section which is added separately other than these four default sections - "Components", "Proposal", "Mock-ups" or "Benefits" But thank you so much for confirming this. This sounds like a great idea to enhance the quality of your suggestion. And all the points you mentioned in your comment as to why we need to this, are bang-on. 🤑✌

As I mentioned already, I will definitely work on these points buddy. Thank you once again for stopping by and providing your honest feedback. I love getting such great comments and that is why I would upvote this to the top. :-) This is the least I could do. Mega Cheers :-D

Don't be afraid of writing in English. Most of us are also learning English as you. English is not also my first language and sometimes I may have some grammar issues as well :)

Yes @jaysermendez. Thanks for the motivation. After-all it's just a language which we can master with proper practice and improvements :-)

You are right 😃 There were no spelling mistakes only small points of grammar. I wrote 'spelling and grammar' out of habit. This goes to show we all can benefit from paying more attention to our writing as best we can.

You're very welcome. Keep up the great work!

Nice :D this could be really useful instead of looking through all of them :D we will implement this. Thank you so much

@jaysermendez - Thank you so much for your comment and considering to implement this suggestion. I really love the app and already one of my favorites. I have seen you and @hsynterkr being so active on discord and welcoming all the suggestions with open hands. Mega Cheers Guys :-)

:D Thanks for the inspiration to keep improving it daily :D

Hey @hungryhustle! Thank you for the great work you've done!

We're already looking forward to your next contribution!

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