
Your contribution cannot be approved because it is not as informative as other contributions. See the Utopian Rules.

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Your contribution cannot be approved yet because it is not as informative as other contributions. See the Utopian Rules. Please edit your contribution and try to improve the length and detail of your contribution, to reapply for approval. On Utopian we cannot allow contributions this short and trivial. This would be unfair to those who put way more time and work into a contribution. A suggestion on Utopian should always be of some help to the project maintainers and not just a mere reference to missing features.

You may edit your post here, as shown below:

You can contact us on Discord.

It does not need to be approved, "First of all, we have be able to willing to contribute to open source software with or without funding or approval because we believe it is the right thing to do." I am working with the developers and working on becoming a developer. I hope to replace steem with cardano.

Also, I shared this with other non-steemers and non utopians and we have this bug

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