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RE: Antiabuse Contribution for October - Flagging Bid Bot Abuse

in #utopian-io6 years ago

Does @anthonyadavisii know that for dummies logo is plagiarism and violates the registered trademark of J. Wiley & Sons, Inc.

"In fact, the Dummies series, the Dummies guy, the color scheme, all of that is a registered trademark of J. Wiley & Sons, Inc. (and originally it was IDG Books, an imprint of IDG Corporation out of Boston, but the history of the imprint and gradual evolution of the Dummies press is a whole ‘nother, quite interesting story, but not relevant here).

No, don't use the Dummies trade dress without licenseWhat you’re asking me about is whether it’s okay to violate trademarks and copyright, and of course the answer is that it isn’t. This falls into the area of intellectual property and I will warn you that it’s one of the most aggressively defended areas of corporate law. For example, companies with well-known trademarked characters like Disney have teams of lawyers that pursue any copyright violation"



Looks like you're having a hard time coping with the fact that you got flagged for posting a Trading View link as a body.

I don't think what you replaced it with was worth any rewards either to be honest. I really don't as it doesn't look like you are adding anything novel to Steem but rather regurgitated data from another site. You had like 9 words of commentary.

In any case, I did a hand drawn version of the graphic to alleviate your concerns. The "For Dummies" was a way to express the idea of simplifying what we do. Could have broken it down Barney Style but guess I wouldn't be able to use that likeness either under your austere guidelines.

You were flagged because it appeared that what you were doing was not really adding anything of unique value to the chain. I believe Stan was right in that judgment and you making a big deal about the image that I tailored for the memetic value via a process involvign both time and effort is just a smoke screen from you creating lackluster content.

Seriously, if you spend half of the energy you used being a nuisance, you could have probably made a t least a dollar by now on creating novel content.

It's still my content, many people link their posts from other sites, next time I will include more pictures and analysis + show my work.

As far as your picture goes, see where I'm coming from. You're trying to set an example, smokescreen or not your copyright infringement (you literally copied the logo) is much worse than poorly written content, not sure if you know this but i post links first to get the signal out there and add to my analysis over time. My posts are work in progress, maybe I'm using steem wrong.

To say this guy and his buddies did the right thing by trolling me is smokescreen in my eyes. All my content is origional, I spend a lot of time studying charts and I don't update threads right away. I run a company on my own. I understand you need to defend your help though.

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