Unable to submit comment on Android/Chrome

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)

Expected behavior

I've typed a comment to submit on a post, and upon hitting submit I would expect that the comment would be submitted.

Actual behavior

The button press did not seem to do anything - no error message, no comment submission

How to reproduce

This is happening on every post I try to comment on.

  • Browser: Chrome 64.0.3282.137
  • Operating system: Android 8.1

Recording Of The Bug


@farq, No matter approved or not, I upvote and support you.

Thanks. I just raise em as I see em.

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  • Cannot Reproduce - I am running the same version of Android and Chrome as you and can submit comments just fine. If the bug is still occurring then this report is does not provide enough information for a 3rd party to reliably reproduce the issue.

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