ShowMeMySteemReward - UI improvement and add a reward option comparator

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)

The following post is made to explain some features that I added on my previous developpement. One major UI change to display a more clearer information. Plus, I have added a comparaison between the two reward option (50/50 - 100%) value of a reward. The goad is to help Steemians to choose the best reward option based Steem and Steem dollar price.

A new interface

Because the previous interface was not very useful to compare the real value (in USD) of a publication, I modified it in order to have a more readable information.

Previous interface

New Interface

Market and feed price have been preserved but details of the calculations has been hidden.
You can displayed it by clicking on the "?" icon


New features

Because displaying the USD doesn't tell what is the best option to have more Steem Power, I have added an addition result to compare the reward in Steem.

For 50/50 option, the result is the sum of 50% SBD reward (internal market based) and 50% SBD reward (median price based).
For 100% Steem Power, the result is based on median price base.


Internal market and median prices are fetch from RPC full node (by default
SBD price is fetch coinmarketcap.

Some other features

RPC full node can be configured by modifying the following variable on top of the index.html.

steemApi_endpoint = "";

If coinmarketcap or RPC full node cannot be contacted, the script fails and displayed a popup.


Last note

Obviously, this app can be used anywhere locally (without host it on a server).

ShowMeMySteemReward is under MIT licence. You can copy / modify it as you want.

Repo :

App :

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


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There are some minor problems with the Font, can you fix this?


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