How Do I Make My Post Look Better? - Markdown tutorial for text (Learning guide)

in #utopian-io6 years ago


In my journey through the lost paths of Steemit, where committing each mistake was part of my day to day (it isn’t now that I commit them); I woke up a morning and decided that it should change and I said "I will be beginner, but with style". Now I’m here, with the intention of teaching them what I have learned and helping them to style their posts. Here’s an overview of Markdown syntax that you can use to improve your posts.

Table of contents

  1. Headings
  2. Emphasis
    • Bold
    • Italic
    • Strikethrough
    • Bold and italic
  3. Lists
    • Bullet points
    • Numbered list
    • Nested lists
  4. Blockquotes
  5. Links
    • Linking for URLs
    • Mentions username
    • Youtube videos
  6. Subscripts and superscripts
  7. Formatting text
    • Center
    • Justify
    • Align text right
    • Align text left
    • Text in two columns
    • Parallel lists
  8. Tables
  9. Horizontal rule

1. Headings

It can be used for titles, subtitles and even to draw attention with phrases in your posts. To create a heading add # before your heading text. while more # smaller will be done (you must leave a space between the # and the word). In markdown there are only 6 sizes of letters, for example:


###### Peace and love

##### Peace and love

#### Peace and love

### Peace and love

## Peace and love

# Peace and love


Peace and love

Peace and love

Peace and love

Peace and love

Peace and love

Peace and love

2. Emphasis

If you want to give more emphasis to your texts and highlight words you can use this option, for example:

Bold**Peace and love**Peace and love
Italic*Peace and love*Peace and love
Strikethrough~~Peace and love~~Peace and love
Bold and italic***Peace and love***Peace and love

3. Lists

Sorting items in list will give your post a better look. There are two ways: with bullet points (unordered) and numbered list (ordered). You can make an unordered list using * (you must not forget the space between the asterisk and the word) and for the numbered list we will use numbers followed by a dot (like the asterisk, the space must not be forgotten), you can repeat the number and the code will understand that it should follow the sequence.


* Peace
* Love
* Respet
* Solidarity


  1. Peace
  2. Love
  3. Respet
  4. Solidarity


  • Peace
  • Love
  • Respet
  • Solidarity


1. Peace
1. Love
1. Respet
1. Solidarity

You can create a nested list by indenting one or more list items below another item. That means lists with levels or subcategories. You must give 4 spaces (with space bar) and then write the number.


1. Peace
1. Love
1. Subcategory 1
1. Subcategory 2
1. Respet
1. Solidarity


  1. Peace
  2. Love
    1. Subcategory 1
    2. Subcategory 2
  3. Respet
  4. Solidarity

The subcategories could be with bullet points (using the same previous criterion of giving 4 spaces and then writing the asterisk), for example:


1. Peace
1. Love
* Subcategory 1
* Subcategory 2
1. Respet
1. Solidarity


  1. Peace
  2. Love
    • Subcategory 1
    • Subcategory 2
  3. Respet
  4. Solidarity

4. Blockquotes

When you want to copy such a text that is not our own, you must quote in order to safeguard the copyright and respect the Steemit rules . You can quote text with a > for example:


> Peace is the concept of harmony and the absence of hostility. In a behavioral sense, peace is generally understood to be a lack of conflict and freedomfrom fear of violence between heterogenous social groups.


Peace is the concept of harmony and the absence of hostility. In a behavioral sense, peace is generally understood to be a lack of conflict and freedomfrom fear of violence between heterogenous social groups.

5. Links

Links are important on Steemit to identify the sources of the elements used in our posts.

  • Linking for URLs
    You must write the text that will be reflected as our hyperlink in brackets [ ] and followed (without spaces) you must type the URL or web site in parentheses ( ).

  • Mentions username
    If you want to mention a Steemit user in your post, simply type at @ followed by the username used in Steemit.

  • Youtube videos
    If you want to insert a video from Youtube, simply copy the URL of the video and paste it into your post, automatically the video will be ready to play.

Linking for URLs[Welcome to ennyta's blog]( to ennyta's blog
Mentions username@ennyta@ennyta
Youtube videos

6. Subscripts and superscripts

They are character, can be a number, letter or symbol and these are set slightly below or above the normal line of type. They are usually smaller than the rest of the text. They are used, for example, in chemical formulas, mathematical equations, in text citations. Between the code <sub> you write what you want to be the subscript and between the code <sup> what you want to be the superscript, for example:


This can also be used for bibliographic references of quotes. Using the items explained above, the example would be as follows:

Peace is the concept of harmony and the absence of hostility. In a behavioral sense, peace is generally understood to be a lack of conflict and freedomfrom fear of violence between heterogenous social groups. [1]

7. Formatting text

Formatting the text will make your posts look better, depending on the style and idea you want to develop.

  • Center
    This is to aligns text an equal distance from the left and right margins, you must place the corresponding code, for example:
    <center> Text </center>


<center> The smiles are scarce and the heads declining, nobody raises the voice, they are plowing the road of the day in silence, each one guarding as gold his interest.</center>


The smiles are scarce and the heads declining, nobody raises the voice, they are plowing the road of the day in silence, each one guarding as gold his interest.

  • Justify
    This is to aligns text equally on both sides and lines up equally to the right and left margins; you must place the corresponding code, for example:
    <div class="text-justify"> Text </div>


<div class="text-justify"> The smiles are scarce and the heads declining, nobody raises the voice, they are plowing the road of the day in silence, each one guarding as gold his interest.</div>


The smiles are scarce and the heads declining, nobody raises the voice, they are plowing the road of the day in silence, each one guarding as gold his interest.

  • Align text right
    To visualize the text aligned to the right, the following code is used:
    <div class="text-right"> Text </div>


<div class="text-right"> The smiles are scarce and the heads declining, nobody raises the voice, they are plowing the road of the day in silence, each one guarding as gold his interest.</div>


The smiles are scarce and the heads declining, nobody raises the voice, they are plowing the road of the day in silence, each one guarding as gold his interest.

  • Align text left
    To visualize the text aligned to the left, the following code is used:
    <div class="text-left"> Text </div>


<div class="text-left"> The smiles are scarce and the heads declining, nobody raises the voice, they are plowing the road of the day in silence, each one guarding as gold his interest.</div>


The smiles are scarce and the heads declining, nobody raises the voice, they are plowing the road of the day in silence, each one guarding as gold his interest.

  • Text in two columns
    To visualize the text divided into two columns (used by many newspapers and magazines), the following code is used:
    <div class="pull-left"> 1st column </div>
    <div class="pull-right"> 2nd column </div>


<div class="pull-left"> The smiles are scarce and the heads declining, nobody raises the voice, they are plowing the road of the day in silence, each one guarding as gold his interest.</div>

<div class="pull-right"> The good days are scarce. The conversations are empty, the same issues of previous days are accumulated, they become months and years. You know what the other will say and know what the other will answer.</div>


The smiles are scarce and the heads declining, nobody raises the voice, they are plowing the road of the day in silence, each one guarding as gold his interest.
The good days are scarce. The conversations are empty, the same issues of previous days are accumulated, they become months and years. You know what the other will say and know what the other will answer.

  • Parallel lists
    This is to create lists arranged side by side, in parallel. For this, the following codes are used:
    <div class="pull-right">
    List 1
    <div class="pull-left">
    List 2
    <div class="text-center">
    List 3


<div class="pull-right">
<div class="pull-left">
<div class="text-center">





8. Tables

A favorable way to organize information is through the use of tables, this also offers a professional aspect to the post. You can create a table with the row number you want using hyphens - (for the first row), and then separating each column with a pipe |. Below I show you examples of tables of 2 and 3 columns:

  • Table in two columns


1st column| 2nd column
------------ | -------------
content 1.1 | content 2.1
content 1.2 | content 2.2
content 1.3 | content 2.3


1st column2nd column
content 1.1content 2.1
content 1.2content 2.2
content 1.3content 2.3
  • Table in three columns


1st column | 2nd column | 3rd column
------------ | ------------- | -------------
content 1.1 | content 2.1 | content 3.1
content 1.2 | content 2.2 | content 3.2
content 1.2 | content 2.3 | content 3.3


1st column2nd column3rd column
content 1.1content 2.1content 3.1
content 1.2content 2.2content 3.2
content 1.2content 2.3content 3.3

9. Horizontal rule

It is used to show a division. It is displayed as a horizontal line.





I hope it will be of your interest.

Thank you for Reading ♡

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