Fixing voting power calculation on steem-python

in #utopian-io7 years ago

I have been using steem-python to power The first bug report I get was the inconsistent voting power values. I have misinterpreted the issue and thought it was a node-lag issue.

Well, I was wrong. Today I saw a similar bug report on official steem-python package and @raserrano gave a good insight why that happens.

Turns out raw voting power data is based on the last vote time. In order to see the latest status, you need to add regenerated VP to that.

Quickly fixed it with the voting power regeneration calculation and opened a pull request to the steem-python package.

Did a quick test with a couple of accounts.

master branch

my proposed fix branch

works like a charm. Same with the steemd.

Also fixed the with the same implementation on commit de9cf458.

Thanks @jaff8, @raserrano and @yuxid for their contributions.

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